
My boy/girl twins are turning 11 this week. Does anyone have any good ideas for their party?

by Guest57182  |  earlier

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The party will be at our house, indoors. They each want to invite about 8 to 10 guests.




  1. I'm 13 and when I was 11 we love to just play music, dance, talk, and eat. I've them games and walk away no kids want to talk with parents hanging over them just let them be they will have lodes of fun alone talking

  2. devide the room in half .. so one half would be themed what the girl choses and the other would be the boys choice . . with two cakes and everything .. that would be fun

  3. thank God my twins are boys!  Much easier..anyway, boys upstairs or in,music,sporting games...Girls downstairs or atleast away from the,music,and ?...either way..let them have fun..just keep an ear on them..

  4. fancy dress

    movie night

    video games

  5. Just put some music on and let the flow go! Maybe twista would be a good game to play! everyone loves twista and have prizes for the winner or something?

  6. I think that your kids are probably getting to the age where they won't want a "joint" birthday party.      I think that if you do, no one will have any fun.   The boys won't want to look stupid in front of the girls, etc.       Maybe you could have the parties a day a part.       Or, if you have a multi level house, divide them out that way.  

    If your son is in to video games, have a gamer party.     You could rent a big screen tv or two and game systems and let them set up shop in the living room playing games, listening to music.      food; etc.  

    If there's a martial art school, you could ask the instructor (or a student) to come to your home and give a demonstration.     The student would probably be cheaper.  

    For the girls, make overs are always good.    You could have a student from a local cosmetology school come to your house and give some make up tips.     Take some photos as party favors.   Make sure the girls wear their pajamas for the "spa" day at your home.    Serve cute little finger sandwiches, juice from wine glasses.

  7. Pizza,cake, games, movies, anything there interested in. I would NOT suggest a sleep over, way to many pre teens. But just a party with music might be nice, ask them what some of there idea's are.

  8. Scavenger hunt,

    American Idol,

  9. I have a student who is a twin with her brother, and they're going to have the coolest party.  It's a "doggy" party.  Instead of asking their guests to bring gifts for them, they're asking everyone to bring items a dog would want/need like treats, toys, and food.  They're then all going to go to the local Humane Society and donate all the items to them.  While they're there, everyone is going to walk the dogs.  I thought this was such a fun and unique twist on a party.  :)

  10. I say don't have them too close but have them so they can interact with each other. Have them eat pizza together and maybe a movie. Kids don't have a short attention span so don't have monopoly. Have short activities that keep their attention. If you want the party together don't have a theme. Flowers and trucks don't go together. Be careful, they can be loud. Have games, food and presents and they will be fine. Don't hover. I am 12 and know what kids enjoy.

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