
My boyfiend isnt doing too good what should I do to cheer him up?

by Guest61857  |  earlier

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My boyfriends mom just basically up and left his family to go back to there home town of austin, tx. He hasnt been doing the best he seems really upset about it.. He is very close to her too, He also acually been talking like opening up to me for the first time since we have been together.. I mean I love that he feels he can but I really want to help him my best to get through this. Just some advise on like what can I do or say to help would be appriciated?




  1. you should just keep him distracted by doing things together.

  2. be there for him...

    he needs you. Just to know that there is a person who isn't about to leave is really important to him right now. Listen to what he's got to say. Suggest solutions for his problems. Spend an evening with him watching his favorite dvd. I myself had a hard time and the one thing which helped me was my friends who were there for me and people who needed my help. It gave me the feeling, that I am Not completely useless just because I feel like ****. I am sure there are a few small problems for which he has a solution.  You need to find a balance between being there for him, but you also need to show him, that the people around him need him. With his mom gone, he lost the balance. Help him to discover a new balance in life.

    I hope this helps.

  3. okay well i think you should tell him that it is going to be alright.. And maybe when he has a break to go up and see her... And stay a while with her... Maybe when she sees him she will miss him and may want to come back.. Just a suggestion.. You never know what can happen.. Pray for a miracle.. Just do what you think is right.

  4. Mostly listen...don't try to pry things out. Be there and consistent. Let him know you are around. Don't try too hard to make things fun right now...He needs to find a way to deal with this. You being there will help him steady his ship towards where he needs to take it. You seem very caring and nice.

    Take Care

  5. Let him know that he can talk to you about anything and that u understand to some point. I think in a situation like this theres no "right" thing to say...just listen to him, hug him, let him know you care. Hope he feels better!

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