
My boyfreind just broke up with me?

by  |  earlier

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I dont understand, how can someone leave some one else when they are pregnant with his child. He said that he knew we would not work when we found out we were pregnant, and I decided to keep the baby. I am now 11 weeks pregnant and trying to grasp the fact that I am going to be a single mother.




  1. I'm sorry, but should have been a little more responsible. Men can easily walk away from a pregnant woman because they aren't carrying that baby. The end isn't here, though, as someone else said you may not end up a single mother, although there are worse things tha I can think of than being a single mother. You can find someone who loves you and your child, but make sure he isn't a pedophile. You could also give the baby up for adoption, but please don't dump the baby. There are thousands if not millions of infertile couples who would love to raise your child.

  2. You have been had!!!! He was using you for his ho he got  pregnant and you didn't get an abortion. He isn't worth much as a man. All you can do now is take his immature buttocks to court and get medical and child support $$$$ from him. Guess all the "I love you BS he tossed at you to get in your pants was just that so much BS. I'm sorry for you. Don't let him get away without paying child support.

  3. you still have about 30 to get used to it, men are a******s

  4. You can always give it up for adoption. Maybe he felt scared and wasn't ready to be a dad.

  5. well he is really dumb he should of made things work but it is okay you will somebody to tkae his place and someone your son can call his i hope dont sound to mean. well god bless i hope every thing works out 4 ya.

  6. I am sorry that you have to go thru this. I cannot imagine how stressed out you must be.  Just look at it like this, he isnt man enough to take on the task of fatherhood and you are better off knowing this now than him disappointing you and a child down the road.  Single motherhood is difficult but so is shared parenting. Parenting is just a hard job in general, at least now you dont have to discuss your parenting styles with someone who sounds like his style would have been less than par to say the least.  There are so many programs to help you if you need it and if you have family, its amazing the support that can come when you have a baby. Also there are groups in the communities(any) you can just look into them, not to mention if you go to church there is amazing support and friendships that can weather your sanity thru the harder times.  Just remember single moms are definitely a major group in the world today so I believe you can do it and so do they.  God loves you and you baby, its your precious gift from him. Enjoy pregnancy and motherhood they are a miracle and as hard as it is sometimes your son or daughter will be the light of your life.  Just say that a few times my son or daughter, I hope youre smiling... Good luck and god bless. Jodi

  7. Understand this - he did you a favor.  Pretend to be a computer & DELETE him from your memory.  There are sooooooooo many other guys and you have bigger fish to fry now.  

    And you were going to be a single mother said your BOYFRIEND not your husbad - you were always single & now you will be single with a baby instead of being single with a boyfriend.  Not hard to grasp at all.

    BTW: husbands leave, too - don't think you'd have totally escaped that behaviour just by being married.

  8. It happens everyday Unfort. I hope things get better. But you can't make someone stay or stick around...let alone a male.

  9. What an *******. That happend to me too. My baby's father left me when i was like 6wks. But i have a happy ending. When i had my daughter 6months later i found a wonderful man and now we've been together for 4yrs and were engaged. Just think on the opposite side. Think about all the happiness your baby is going to bring you. You're strong. The're all thousands of single mothers. That's make you even more special.

  10. He sounds like a loser He knew it wouldnt work when he found out you were pregnant!? WHY!? Because he dosent want to step up to the plate and be a man?? You will be fine. Hopefully you have support from family and friends. Make him pay child support too. Good Luck You are an awesome person from choosing to keep the baby!!!! And you CAN do it  without him!!!

  11. he did it because he wasnt a man just an ***. Get child support

  12. Thats why people are always saying get married first...

    But what he did was wrong, I'm sorry honey. I know you'd be a great mother, you sound strong,a dn I think you can be a single mother, until you find someone else. He's an A-S-S.

  13. I'm sorry for you, but how old are you , and if your under 18 teen and want to go to college and go from there you might want to think of adoption, you sound really young, you cant change the fact now , but don't think of only your self and your boyfriend, that little baby has a right to a good loving home with two mature parents,

  14. you might not be a single mother, if he did that to you its wrong, but maybe when the baby is born h**l think differently about things. but theres always child suopport. if u had to raise the child alont u can do it, and it owuld make u a much stronger person...

    good luck mama

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