
My boyfriend, sister and best girl mate...

by  |  earlier

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me and my best friend are 21, my boyfriend 23, and my sister 19.




  1. put  it on the internet!!!

  2. try and win there attention. You cant say sorry 2 them

  3. if they're not telling you the date it was probably during your relationship you could make up with them or find new friends even though you'll have to make up with your sister eventually

  4. move on..

  5. that's harsh.

    you break up with your boyfriend

    kill your sister

    and ditch your best friend

  6. be more careful next time you have a threesome?

  7. If they wont tell you the date then it was probably during your relationship with him.

    I would be really mad.

  8. you must decide if you want to be a s*x addict and ingage in group s*x or find a new bf

    I vote for a new bf and would tell mom about sister

  9. pick better boyfriends, sisters and best girl mates.

  10. Hi,

    Well they obviously don't want to reveal when it was but I am guessing it has to be fairly recent as if it was BEFORE your relationship, then they would tell you as you could not be that upset as you weren't with your boyfriend then.

    I feel it has to be recent to why they covering it up.

    You have a choice to make now. IF you KNOW for certain this happened BEFORE your relationship, then yes it will still be very upsetting but you weren't with him at the time.

    If you find out it happened whilst the two of you have been together you have to decide whether to continue the relationship or move on. If I were in your shoes I would dump the lot, especially the mate and the guy as they can't respect you enough if they slept together. I would also find it so hard to trust my sister too.

    Tell them you want the truth and see what happens or catch them out by saying to sister 'Be honest now, insert your best mate OR boyfriend name. told me it happened last month' she will probably say no she wrong it happened ....

    Then do same to your mate saying 'my sister said it happened  .......'

    Then to your boyfriend.

    You will catch them out if they lying babes.

    Good luck!


  11. OMG how old are you guys????

  12. They wouldn't tell you the date because it was obviously while you were dating this person

    I'd rather be alone and loney than have friends like them.

    Get out there and make new friends, get over these people, they are not worth your time.

    As the old saying goes...with friends like them, who needs enemies.

    Good luck, life is shite sometimes, but, we learn live and move on.......

  13. that is thoroughly your boyfriend has done you and your sister...which means you have also done your sister.

    Dump the guy, don't be friends with the best girl mate, and make up with your sister.

  14. err ....thanks for sharing  

  15. Oh Shiiit first of all id probably kill my sister, sisters are soooo not meant to do that !!! pretend to be all sweet to my boyfriend- saying' look (insert name)-->-----* told me that it was while we were together is this true?you either tell the truth or your gonna loose me,il never speak to my sister again and you can forget about me ever even looking at my friend again...

    play the heartbroken game he will soon feel so guilty he will have to give in...

    i hope ur okay id hate if that happened to me =[

    cheer up x

  16. please put it on the internet i wanna c it!!!! SOOOOOO BAD!!!!!

  17. Well you can't exactly sweep that under the carpet. In all honesty I don't know how you'd confront this. Your sister is just that and always will be, boyfriends are like buses, there'll be another one along in a minute and friends what do you think.

  18. dont listen to any perverts saying to put it on the internet. u could let it go. but that might hang over ur head for a while. anyway, it was probably during ur relationship because ur boyfriend wont tll u when it was. but it still couldve been before. good luck with this one. on second thought... dump him! the pervert obviously doesnt care about respect. definately dump the best girl mate. as a friend or whatever. and confront ur sister and tell her its ok and makeup.

  19. Wow i don't know what to say you'd think they would at least explain to you that it was before you were dating. Can you tell if your sister has an old or new hair style or something in it.

    I personally wouldn't have anything to do with any of them so much of a sister and best mate if they would go and do that behind your back, i think you should cut off contact with them until they explain. I know you feel lonely but you will make new friends and meet new men its better to go through this than feel undermined-ed for the rest of your life with them.

  20. Forgive and Forget.  

  21. what i would do:

    disown my sister after beatin her butt

    get a new best friend after beatin her butt

    and dump da bf after beatin his butt

    so id just kick all their asses kinda violent lol

  22. The boyfriend definitely has to go.

    Your sister will always be your sister, so I say forgive (just because it will be easier for you in the long run), but let her know she has severely damaged your trust & it will be awhile before things can be like they used to.  

    The best mate would be the hardest for me to forgive.  Your boyfriend AND sister?  Wow!  Best mates are not supposed to do you that way.  I really doubt I could be friends with her anymore.  At the very least, tell her you cannot be friends with her at this point - perhaps sometime in the future when everything has calmed down, but now, emotions are too raw & your trust has been broken.  

    I'm very sorry this happened to you.  Good luck.

  23. ur bf is my hero

  24. I'm guessing that if they won't tell you the date that it was during your relationship, otherwise why would they hide it?  And if there were feelings for your sister and best friend before your relationship then there probably still is.  Find a new friend to confide in, you don't want a friend that would hurt you and lie like she has.

  25. get either the sister or the best friend alone.. tell them you miss them but you don't think you can bare to look at them until someone will give you some information. cry a little for dramatic effect. if it was during, dump the guy, lecture the friend and sister, but take them back eventually.

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