OK. so my bf and I have been dating for over a half year now, and things are going great. I truley believe we really love each other, but his ex girlfriend can't seem to let him go. Shetexts, calls, and emails him... all hours of the night. One particular ti,me was 3am in the morning. Now i'm no dummy, and automatically accussed my bf of speaking with her. He denys it, and says he doesn't want anything to do with her, and I believe that. I'm with him everyday, and so much apart of his life, I know he wouldn't go behind my back like that. It just pisses me off how she will not leave him or myself alone. Whenever I rebuttle back,she communicates even more with him. I'm trying to be the bigger person, but it's really hard. What do you think I should do? It just has been really bothering me lately.