
My boyfriend's a drug dealer but doesn't take drugs himself. ?

by  |  earlier

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He was brought up in a poor single parent family and this was the only way he could help support him and his family. This has been his main income for many years. I've been with him for 2.5 years and have tried to persuade him to quit many times and to do something more legit. However, I just found out he's gets paid a fake salary just so he can pay tax and hence it won't be suspicious when he buys a house. I can't stand this anymore. He's a great guy, but we have many different values about what's right and wrong etc. But do I really want to be with a drug dealer?





    HIS FAMILY? Really? Is that why everyone else has a job?

    Are you saying that if we have regular jobs, we can't support

    our families? That we have to sell dope in order to do it?

    There are safer and better ways to make money, if he

    got caught he would obviously go to jail. Talk to him

    about it, because it wouldn't only affect him if he was

    arrested it would affect you too. How is he supposed to

    support his family when he's in jail?

  2. i don't know , do you? He sounds like a tool , a liar and a thief , if he gets caught your both screwd and if you end up having kids w/ him they will lose their dad & their income! why would you want that? Ditch him.

  3. If you value yourself, get away from him ASAP!

  4. Here is the deal and it is fact.  If you have ever taken a message for him or told someone you will have him call them back you are screwed.  You can be sent to prison if you own a house the goverment will take it your car your money in the bank.

    If you think I am nuts or don't know what I am talking about ask a lawyer or check it out on the internet.  Get out if you can  

  5. Obviously being with a drug dealer is ridiculous. What happens when he gets caught and is in jail for many many years. I believe you have to tell him it's either me or dealing drugs?!?!?! Unless you want to struggle and suffer because of his stupidity. I don't believe that selling drugs is the answer EVER. I understand that people have it rougher than others. If he had to...he should WORK a real job and go to school. So in the end he can make an honest living and support his single parent family....

  6. I'm gonna give you an honest answer, as the wife of a gang member, If you really want to be with him, there's certain rules you go by, no drugs in tha house, stuff like that, and you have to decide now if he goes to prison are you gonna "wait" on him.  Or god forbid death. these are the realistic things you have to look at, of course everyone has their time, this raises the bar so to speak. I'm not gonna tell you to leave him he's no good blah blah.. But I will tell you that if he loves and repects you then he will keep that life sepperate from you for your safety, and any kids or future kids. If you really love him then you need to see the truth of these lifestyles and while most think this is the worst of the worst, they never had it between a rock and a hard spot. and realize that perfectly good hearted people have to do what they do just to survive,  also this lifestyle is HIGHLY addicctive!! make the right choice for YOU>>

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