
My boyfriend's daughter has emotional problem?

by  |  earlier

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okay so me and my boyfriend have been together for about a year and we getting married. He recently got his daughter, but like when we are doing things like playing she'll just crying and panting i don't know if this is normal three year stuff but it scares me because one day me and Greg were sitting down talking and she just started cry and like if she see us hug she'll fall out on the floor crying........ what should we do about this




  1. If you are really concerned, talk with her pediatrician.  If you are still concerned, contact the early intervention folks in your area (just google "early intervention" with your city)  They will help you to determine if there is a problem, and what needs to be done if there is.  The service is free.

  2. show her some love too, little kids are emotional, they dont know how to use their powers(loving/ crying) she's probably not used to someone else being with her daddy. When you and your bf give hugs to one another include her do a 3-way hug.  The 3 year old is just trying to compete with you for her daddy's attention and so doesnt know how to do except for cry. Talk to her, she may not understand but she'll definitely understand your tone, so dont yell, use a soft voice to talk to her, it'll calm her down.

  3. Well, she's only 3, so talking to her won't be a big help, at least not always. Maybe tho

  4. sounds like she wants to be the center of attention all the time.try not to react,let her have her tempertantrum and tell her when shes calm u'll talk/play whatever

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