
My boyfriend's ex is in my head...?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a movie of my boyfriend with his, now ex, girlfriend about a year ago, having s*x. Say two months after we moved in together. It was rather visual and very painful to see (all five seconds of it, before I did put it off and trashed all the nameless cd’s). Now, i can't seem to get rid of that image in my head. Sometimes late at night i cry because of it, and yes i'm very sensitive, but i shouldn't be affected this much... I have told him about it, and he said he's sorry that i saw it. But now i have to deal with constant thoughts of am i good enough? Am i better than her? Why did he make a p**n movie with her and not with me? Am i as good as her in bed? Please help? I'm losing my mind. I can't stop thinking about her with him.




  1. whoa! since ur thnkin so much bout her... y dont u sleep with her and find out!?!??!?!?

  2. Aww that's really messed up, as soon as they broke up he should have gotten rid of it anyway! What the h**l? That's really S****y, I feel bad for you. I'd be upset about it too, and think about it a lot. I'm sure you're better than her, and maybe he just didn't respect her as much as he respects you :)

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