
My boyfriend's little sisters heard us having s*x! what explanation can we give them!!?

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pleaase help me you guys!

me and my boyfriend were having s*x today and i guess we were a little too loud. the point is that his sisters heard us, one of them is 14 and the other is 12. he already gave an explanation to the 14 yr old but he doesn't know what to tell the 12 yr. old...what can we tell her???

my boyfriend told me the 14 yr old says she won't see me the same way anymore, and i would like to talk to her and get on her good side again....but how?

please answer those 2 questions for me...they are very important!!




  1. Not much you can do to straighten this out. The girls are too old to lye to. Good luck*

  2. Wow you two are stupid. Tell the 12 year old you were 'rasslin. But really, they both know what you were doing. You fail at life.

  3. you cant give them an excuse.

    they will not believe it.

    12 & 14 year olds arent retarded, they know s*x when they hear it.

  4. Apologize.  You should not have been having s*x in the vacinity of the minor children any way.  It is totally dsrespectful.  The only thing you can do, is explain your actions.  Do you and your boyfriend love each other?  If so, maybe, it would be better to apologize to them together.  And, I would find another place to have s*x.

  5. well with the 14 year old just try to talk her down a lil let her clam down first though then the 12 just calmly explain u were playin a game

  6. so they had there ears to the door? or are you a screamer? its none of there business just tell them that.

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