
My boyfriend & I are moving in together next week. Any advice or words of wisdom from your own experience?

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My boyfriend & I are moving in together next week. Any advice or words of wisdom from your own experience?




  1. Be romantic AND practical.

    Talk about the level of cleanliness and order you both want in your house.

    Get clear about who does what. Don't expect from the cleanest and most orderly person to do most of the work. Handle it as a shared responsibility.

    Some  loving couples (very compatible in bed) have major conflicts about money and practicalities and then they break up.

  2. Do not spend every waking hour together. And I'm not joking. You wouldn't want to suffocate each other. Spend at LEAST one weekend without the other...perhaps hang out with your own friends. That's my advice for you, just from my experience. GOod luck :)

  3. always talk and communicate things good and bad.comprimise always

  4. Remember to always keep some time to yourself, for both of you.  Just because you live together you still need a girl night.  And always communicate and have trust.  


  6. always give each other space because sometimes living with someone and being in their face all the time can be annoying also remember finances etc can always put a realtionship under pressure so take things easy :)

  7. I'm sorry to say this, but you will regret it. remember that.

    And don't hope he'll come around to 'deeper commitment'; why should he "pay for milk when he's getting it for free?"

    real intimacy partly comes from giving up one's options, which you two are not doing:  Maybe you have to go through this to learn that lesson.

    best wishes

  8. awwwwwwww im so happy for you. cant wait for my turn. OK anyway, well for on dont forget that he is your partner so communication is the key. it will be difficult to live with him if he keeps doing something that you dont like or if something is bothering you. also just because you both live together doesnt mean that he should always be home with you. dont forget men get fustrated when they feel traped. have fun with each other. take turns cooking. keep things spiced up in the bedroom. trust me he will be looking foward to that every day home for work. make sure he also knows to clean up after him self. yes you can clean up after him but just make it clear for him not to get sloppy. guys get like that sometimes. just be each others best friends. never go to bed angry. giive each other a good nigt kiss no matter what. even if you are mad. and that all i can say.

  9. Don't do it. Unless you're content to leave the relationship exactly as it is for a long long long time. Marriage will come off the table. Kids may come off the table. Odds are you'll break up over money or marriage. You're future is today and today alone. Is that enough or are you hoping for a deeper commitment one day? Don't take my word for it. Just read the other yahoo answer questions about living together.

  10. Always shut the door when you use the toilet.

  11. Definately communicate, don't let things fester, because when you live together it's easy to just not say anything for the sake of avoiding an arguement. If he does something that annoys you (and chance are he will) just calmly talk about it and try to find a way to work together!

    Also, have an area for each of you to have your own "me" time, if you have the space. Sometimes you just need to be alone for awhile, and so does he, even if it's just to play video games or watch chick flicks. Taking a few minutes each day to let each other breathe is more important than you'd ever realize!

    Good luck!

  12. Save future hassle and set the ground rules before you make the move. Who is responsible for seeing to what?.... who owns what?.... you can change rules by negotiation but you can't start making them after it all goes wrong.

    Good luck and have fun!

  13. Don't sweat the little stuff.  It's ok if he leaves the toilet seat up, or doesn't put the cap back on the toothpaste.  The world will not implode if he doesn't do everything the way that you would.

  14. never go to bed on an arguement.

  15. If you need to ask that do not do it.

  16. Give each other some personal space when needed. Other than that, you need a sense of humour and a short memory!

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