
My boyfriend and I are thinking of moving to Canberra in Oz for a year - what is it like?

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We are in our twenties so it'd be nice to know what else we can do out there.




  1. If you haven't already done so, you might like to look at visas before deciding to move.  Generally, visitors can only stay for 6 months or so.  But, if you've been offered a job here or are coming on a student visa that's a bit different.  You don't actually provide any of that information.

    Weather-wise, it's about 6celsius here at the moment, with sleet and strong winds.  It's snowing in the mountains.

  2. Canberra is an 'artificial' city. Back in the early 1900s Australians were arguing about what city should be Australia's Federal capital. To solve the problem it was decided to build a new city from scratch in an area that could be set aside in a new  Australian Capital Territory. This Territory although it geographically lies within the boundaries of New South Wales is not part of that state. (Sydney 3 hours drive east of Canberra is the capital of NSW) . People say Canberra is boring because it was built as a place to house our federal Parliament so is considered a city of politicians and public servants. It is beautifully laid out with easy work commutes and a comparatively pollution free city but considered a bit sterile.  It is more alive than it used to be I suppose you could say. There are national art galleries and museums there.

    Most major cities in Australia are coastal cities so their climates are moderated by the sea and don't suffer the extreme summer winter temperature differences that more inland cities like Canberra do. is a website worth visiting which has general information about Canberra (lifestyle, housing, education, health care, maps, what to do etc). Be aware that this site is a promotional site for Canberra.  Canberra is relatively close to snowfields and other scenic places.

    Personally I would go to one of the bigger coastal cities. If you don't want to go to Sydney (which is warmer than Melbourne),  Melbourne or Brisbane consider  the Gold Coast.  Enjoy our beautiful beaches. If you are flexible about travel times within Australia we have very cheap internal flights on Virgin Blue, Jetstar or even Tiger (these are advanced purchase internet fares; normal fares on these airlines are much more than their best prices. Sometimes super special fares are advertised, these are the ones worth waiting for).

  3. Canberra is a place where people live because they have to. It's the capital so everyone there pretty much either works for the Government, for a company that supplies the Government, or for someone that provides services to those people.

    It gets cold in Winter there (at least what Australian's consider cold).

    Personally, living there for me would have to come attached to a very big paycheck.

    Brisbane / Sydney / Perth / Melbourne are better choices (Though I don't like the weather much in Melbourne at least there are things to do).

  4. Boring, go to Newcastle, Sydney, anywhere else, unless you are a budding politician.

  5. its ok but freezing in the winter,

  6. canberra is pretty boring for a young couple

  7. It'll be pretty cold so you won't want to do much but you could go skiing and visit the War Museums.

  8. canberra BORING go to sydney or somewhere or qld lol

    canberra for a year god lol its a tiny city

  9. Cold in winter.

    Ok if you want to going skiing down south in the Snowy Mtns.

    I find it a bit sterile. You might too!

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