
My boyfriend and I think were ready for a baby...Please Help Me!!?

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I'm 17 years old and I'm in a really good relationship with a guy that I have known for about a year and half. I'm very much in love with him. I lost my virginity to him a while back and now he really wants a baby, I do too, but I also want to be able to give my child a better life then what I had (with money situations). We both have a job, and he actually makes pretty good money. weve sat down, discussed it and put together everything that were gonna need. we have a plan so far. Also nobody knows that we are planning on this and i know i wouldnt "regret" having a baby, I just really need some advice. Please....ANYBODY, if you could give me some advise on this i would apprieciate it more than you can imagine. Thank You so much.




  1. Sometimes we dont always know whats right for ourselves. At the moment i am sure you are so much in love with your bf and you think the whole world is right but its not...17 is a bit too young. i bet u just graduated high school. You need to go out there and live your life..Both of you! having a baby is alot of responsibilities. its not something you will have for a moment its forever.

  2. I am 17 also and was pregnant although my pregnancy didnt last because of complications I never once regretted becoming pregnant but I did realized that there is alot more to life then a baby I realized I still have alot I want to do before I become pregnant again not just for me but for my future children I want to be able to give them what i didnt have and I want my next pregnancy to be one that everyone is happy about because when our parents found out they werent very happy trust me and im not sure yours will be either.There is going to be alot of people on here that say no you shouldnt but dont listen to anyone just do what you feel is right for you because in the end you will be the one dealin with it not them and if you feel you can handle a baby right now and support it because trust babies arent cheap i know that much for sure then I dont think you should let anyone stop you but just know that you still gota long life ahead of you and will always be time for a baby cus they dont go away once there here there here to stay. Well Good luck with watever decide to do I wish you well

  3. Trust me, if you're second guessing it, don't do it yet. Wait a while until you feel that you're in a place where there aren't any questions. When my husband and I started trying earlier this year we'd thought about it for quite some time. We were finally financially stable and had a nice home (not huge, but big enough for us for a few years) and very good jobs. You have to think about a lot more than what you want right now, you have to think about what's going to be right. I wanted a baby for quite a while, but until I had good medical benefits and a good job, I wanted to wait.

    Having a child is a wonderful experience, but you have to be prepared, it's not easy, especially at a young age. Most women I know who had children at your age love their children, but still wish they would have waited just a few more years. Unfortunately a lot of them didn't end up marrying the fathers and have issues with that, or they didn't get to do things they now think are important, like going to college and educating themselves more before they had to educate their own child.

    In the end the decision is yours. But you should really be prepared. I'm not saying get married, but you two should at least have a home of your own and stable jobs that won't just replace you when you go on maternity leave. Good luck and just think about the best choice for you.

  4. NO!!!

  5. maybe u guys can travel 4 awhile, since u both making good $$$.....after u have a baby, u will see that its not so easy, so why not to enjoy yourselfs first...? U can also save some $$$ , so u can enjoy staying home with your baby and dont have to rush back to work... I was thinking  I was ready when I was 16....ended up having first baby @25...It still was hard sometimes.  And about good relationship- U know that is good after u go thru a hard times.

                Good Luck to both of U !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I had my first baby at your age, but not because I planned on it. Being a younger mother is hard, and you need to make sure it is what you want 100% before you decide to have a baby.

    Think about this:

    What are your plans for the future?

    Do you want to go to college? (college can be done with a baby, but it is MUCH harder)

    Have you got most of your partying out of your system?

    If you do have a baby, are you and your boyfriend going to get married? How do you know you will stay together?

    Are you ready to accept one of the biggest responsibilities you will ever have- taking care of a child?

    Like I said, I had my first child when I was 18 (almost 19.) I love my son and I don't regret having him, but it was hard being young and a parent. I married his father when he was about 5 months old. My husband went to college, but I never did. We couldn't go out and party as much as we wanted to because we had our son to look after. Looking back, I just wish that I could have gone to college.... that is my biggest regret.

    Just remember: having a baby will change your life and all of the plans you made for it. And like the person above me said, no one is ever completely ready to be a parent!

  7. Do you have a house (or flat), either bought or on a long term rental basis which you share? And will you have enough money to support the family just with his wages if you give up your job to care for baby?

    If the answer to either is "no" then you are not ready. Get financially stable first, and used to living together as a family. But good for you for making a plan. Just remember that your plan has to cover the worst case scenario, not just if everything goes to plan. It has to cover him breaking his leg and being unable to work, and your car dying and you having to buy another one, and baby being born premature and you having to travel to hospital to visit every day for three months...

  8. ok girl,

    ur 17 years old. u should wait till u grow up a lil more.. when u turn 21 your gonna wanna go out with ur boyfriend but u cant because u need a babysitter.

    both of you might have a job but u need a good steady Carrier to raise a baby.

    Good Luck

  9. You have plenty of time for that.  Take a few years and enjoy each other.  Go out and have fun.  Save some money.  Buy a house.

    Once you have a kid there's no going back.  You'll regret throwing your youth away later in life.

  10. 17 is quite young.  I'm 34 and still don't want to get married.  I'm with a good guy and we have a 6 month old baby together but I'm just not ready.  When I was 17 I think I wanted to get married all the time!  Thank God I didn't.  Girl, babies are expensive.  So make sure it's really what you want.  Good luck!

  11. look i have two kids i wouldnt trade them for nothing one is 2 and the other is 1 i am 22 and thinks are hard if you want a baby and your in school wait intell you finish school atleast but if you tink your really ready then do what you want but having a baby can be real hard

  12. i know u said u made a list but there is a LOT of things that u never even think of before u get pregnant or have a baby. are u sure u put everything  down? and are u sure u thought of not just what a baby needs, but the costs and the costs for u and ur bf? insurance? food? clothes for u while pregnant? all the needs of the baby? i guess ur gonna do wat u want any way, but if i were u id ask a mother what they needed the first year (at least), wat they wish they had, and how much it cost

  13. Oh Dear...

    Please don't have a baby at 17...

    I have 3 children and the truth is that it doesn't mather how organized your life is, or how much money you have...nobody is ever prepared for a baby. Please enjoy your life, your youth, fullfill your dreams...and if your man loves you that much, he should respect your decision.

    Could it be that your boyfriend is a bit insecure and thats why he wants you to have his baby so much?

  14. only you can make that decision, if it feels right then go for it but if your having doubts then you know your not ready ...x

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