
My boyfriend and I want to get married, but will we still be covered by our parents insurance?

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I'm 18, with a 1 year old daughter, and we found an amazing guy, he's 20 and loves both of us more than anything. We're set on each other and know this is real. We're both in college, but we were just wanting to look into marriage before having an actual wedding, and we couldnt find an answer to our insurance question. Also, my daughter has the same last name as me, how would we go about getting her name changed over when we do decide to wed? And do we need to have her real fathers permission since we have join custody?




  1. When you get married, you will be off your parents insurance as you are no longer their dependent. As for changing your daughters name that would be a legal issue done by him adopting your daughter, and yes her Father will need to give permission to do so. If he's involved in her life and it seems it with joint custody you may have a battle on your hands for that. Otherwise, her name stands as is.

    At that's how it is in my area. Check with your local Bar Association to find an attorney that would specialize in this area for proper advice.

  2. i don't think u will be covered any longer, especially if u drop out.

    u will need real daddy's permission to change her name to stepdaddy's since he will be adopting her. go to an adoption lawyer to see about details. i think paternity has to be proven and all. good luck and congrats on ur upcoming wedding!!!!

  3.   Consult  with  an  ATTORNEY  and  just  leave  the  insurance  alone

      for   now    and  don't  mention   it.  

  4. Your question confused me but here is my best shot! First of all, you cannot change your daugheters name without the permission of her father. No way, no how!!! Secondly, once you are married, you cannot be covered on your parents insurance anymore. No way, no how to that as well. Maybe you should wait until you get done with college and have a job of your own where you both can get your own insurance and you can provide the insurance for your daughter.  

  5. get a lawyer....You would have to get the real father's custody revoked and then your new guy would have to adopt her.  If you married, you would be what's called emancipated and do not qualify for anything under your parents.

  6. if you're old enough to get married, you're old enough to pay for your own insurance.  your parent's insurance should carry you until you're done with college but if you're married, the insurance company probably won't provide coverage for your spouse.  call city hall in your area to ask about changing your kid's name, or call city hall where her birth certificate was issued.  it seems to me like if you want her to have your husband's name, he would have to adopt her, which her real father may have a problem with if he's still in the picture.

  7. No, you won't be covered.

    As far as your child, you cannot change her name without going through the proper court system, and if her father has joint custody with you, he has to agree and sign off on the change.

    You need to speak to a lawyer who handles family law in your area.

  8. No, Once your married you cannot be on your parents Insurance.

    As on getting your daughter's named changed, you have to go to the court house and get the papers. It's a bit expensive but fill those out and she'll have to go before the court and tell them why you want it changed.

  9. No, of course not. Once you are adults, and married, you are your own separate family, and should be able to provide your own insurance coverage.

    You need to talk to your baby daddy about the name change thing.

  10. no you can't be on your parents' insurance

    name change is a matter of paperwoek - see your county clerk of courts

    for the name change you might need the father's permission, but you don't to get married.

  11. Her birth father would need to give permission for a name change or adoption. A friend of mine has a different legal name than the last name she uses, because her father dropped off the face of the earth (thankfully in this case), and because he didn't show up for the hearing she couldn't change her name or get adopted by her father.

  12. you might want to talk to a lawyer but as far as the name change if the father did not sign the birth certificate and is not around the child then you can go to the court house and get the name changed for a fee.

    (In CT they charge $100 and if the parent changes there name then all the children are free (to change there names)

  13. No you won't be covered. If you can't get or afford insurance, maybe you shouldn't get married. There are plenty of organizations you could at least get insurance for your daughter through though.

  14. Wait until you're a grown up.

  15. Ha ha hah ah ah aaaa!  No.  You're grown up enough to have a kid, time to get your own insurance .

    Yes, you have to have the birth Father's permission, and unless he's a real jerk, I would assume that he'ls not going to be too happy about that.

  16. I would speak to a lawyer.

  17. Once a child gets married, (s)he must assume his/her own medical insurance REGARDLESS of your name.

  18. Yes, if you get married, you will lose your insurance.  You will no longer be a dependent of your parents.   If you will not have insurance after the wedding, I'd say you aren't ready to get married.

    I'm not sure about the name thing.  But, it just seems wrong to give another man's child your married last name.  If her bio father signs over his rights, that's one thing.  But, if he's in her life, that's wrong to do.

  19. The father would have to sign over his parental rights and your new husband would have to adopt her.  As far as Insurance, once you are married your parents can no longer carry you on there vehicle or Health Insurance.  Good Luck  xox

  20. You wont be covered by your parents insurance anymore. And if you want to get your daughters name changed you will have to go to the courthouse and the social security office. it will probably cost a pretty penny, but if thats what you want to do, then good luck!

  21. If you two get married, you will no longer be able to be on your parents' health insurance (I assume that is what you are talking about).  The two of you will have to get your own health insurance.

    If you want your daughter to have your new husband's last name, your new husband would probably have to adopt her which I'm guessing may not happen since you say you have joint custody with the baby's father.  Even if your new husband didn't have to adopt the baby, you would need the father's permission to change her last name.  And most men are not willing to give permission for something like that.

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