
My boyfriend asked me to marry him, but im not sure...?

by  |  earlier

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Well i have been dating this guy for about 11 months almost a year. We live together. He is sweet, and caring. He is really an awesome man. But i have been having doubts lately and now he asked me to marry him. I'm just not sure if he is the one i wanna spend the rest of my life with, i don't take marriage lightly. What should i do? Because if i tell him no, then he might not ask again ever, and maybe one day i will be ready for that kind of step. But if i tell him yes without being positive, then ill be lying to myself. What would you do?




  1. Be honest with him. and say the moment isnt right yet. that u wanna have some time first. and have ur priorities straight before making a commitment. thats what my sister told her bf and he asked her when she was done with college a yr l8r. now their married with a babygirl.

    so just be straight forward and tell him


  2. just tell him what you wrote here. just say you aren't sure yet, you need a little more time. if he loves you, he'll wait.

    answer mine please =];...

  3. I was with my husband for 8 months when we got engaged, we did not live together, actually I lived 4 hours away because I was still studying. We didn't get to see much of each other but when I did see him it broke my heart to have to leave again. It was like my life wasn't worth living if he wasn't going to be a part of it, I hated being away from him.

    I guess if you spent some time away from him and you find it almost unbearable to not be with him then that could be a sign, that was the most obvious sign for me.  

  4. Doubt :that's a red flag right their so take your time and be cautious.Marriage is not something you jump into since the next thing you know kids are on the way and other commitments.Being sweet and caring is good but is not everthing responsibility, faithfulness and many other things are other key  factors to a happy marriage.Dont let his proposal blinden you check out stuff before you jump into fire especially if the doubts are valid.A marriage proposal is a request not a command so you have many options and it is your choice.All the best.Be careful.

  5. if you can live happily under the same roof, why not?

    if you feel you don't need to be married at the present time, just continue living together.

    i practically got married within one month, within a month we moved in together and lived as a married couple and actually got married a year later. we're happily together married 6 years now.  It wouldn't matter if i married him in 10 years from now or married him 6 years ago.  

    we had already decided we are fit for eachother. so the 'when' doesn't really matter as long as the ceremony is celebrated by both.

  6. well, tough situation,

    if your not ready for that big step right now, make sure you tell him that you aren't qutie sure your ready for that big of a step. keep dating, and let him know, that one day you might be ready, just 11 months is really a short time. but make sure you tell him you still do love him, and just your not ready for such a large commitment at this stage yet.

    hope i helpeed :)(L)

  7. Tell him 'I'm not sure'. That you need time to think about it. You don't feel that you are ready to get married yet and you need time to think over his proposal.  

  8. Be honest and tell him you need more time

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