
My boyfriend began cheating on me when he found out i was pregnant. i found out today and he left with the

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other girl. i guess theyll be together now :( and ill do my pregnancy by myself. How do i get over this? what do i do? its so hard i feel so alone.

Has this happened to anyone else?




  1. yea that has happended to me in a sense. dont dwell on it tho b/c as soon as you realize that u and ur baby are better off he willl be back. one thing about men is they think we females will be pregnant 4ever and they will have time to do their making up with us later. take it from me sweetie even tho its easier said than done u hve to move on reguardless if hes the dad or not. its time to get in MOMMY MODE and think of u and ur child especially ur child at this time b/c u dont want 2 put urslf at risk 4 miscarriage or go into early labor. dont stress believe me its no good for ur baby. that girl is a lil home wrecking s**t for doin that to u ad hes just as bad. just think MOMMY MODE....ITS 4 THE BEST

  2. Hey I know how you must be feeling. I'd been with my boyfriend for 2 years when I found out I was a few weeks back I was pregnant. It came as a bit of a shock because I was on the pill, but after the initial shock I felt quite excited. I was scared to tell my boyf because I didnt know how he would react. He said we were both far to young for this, we're both 23, and it would be best if I got rid. I thought and thought things over and decided I wanted to keep it, he said he'd support me but now I've found out that he's actually been seeing someone else! I dont know what to do! I've got my first scan on friday alone! Im still too scared to tell my parents anything. Ive just spent 4 years in uni which they paid for and now im going to be a single mother. I dont know what to do!  

  3. Get everything in your life straightened out...find out what you want to do with or about the baby.  You have plenty of options-- Have it and raise it yourself, put it up for adoption, or have an abortion.  He, not being your husband has no legal rights to the child.  If you choose to keep the baby, get your insurance figured out, you can get Medicaid which will help you and the baby... talk to your family and friends about your decisions and what is going on in your life.  Surround yourself with people who love you and who support you no matter what.  As for your boyfriend, you honestly dont need him, and if he treats you this way, you are better off.

    Unfortunately this happens to too many women!

  4. If I'm the one who's in your situation all I could do is to pray that somehow someday my boyfriend would realize what he's doin......sometimes life is so cruel but when your in your deepest pain only God can help you cope up. Be reminded that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. If you still want him back you have to pray hard to God, don't worry too much there are guy's over there who deserves you, maybe he's not the right guy for you.

  5. Honestly to get over something that horrible you need to seek God first, he will guide you through it all, and with him you are never alone.

  6. You dont need a man to be able to raise this child on your own!!! It will be hard- there's no denying it but if you are strong and focussed it will make it easier to cope with.  If he can't realise and take responsibility for his own child then its his loss- after all there is child maintainence he is legally supposed to pay if it is his which will help with bringing up of the child- you could even put this money into a fund and save up for something important in this childs life.

    My mother brought me up by herself  with help and support from family and friends.  And there are also heaps of mothers groups and play groups out there for support.

    Good luck! And just remember stay strong and everything will be fine!  

  7. Maybe you should start using condoms.

  8. It happens a lot.  Put on those big girl panties and get over it.  You're in the big leagues now.  You don't have time to play the little boy games you boyfriend is still playing.  You should plan your next baby.  I would seek out adoptive parents for the sake of the child.  Don't be selfish.  You deserve another chance to have a good life.  If you remain a poor single mother, then it will be difficult all your life.

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