
My boyfriend/ best friend is leaving. help plz?

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My boyfriend is the greatest ever!he's my best friend and we been through it all together. We been dating for 2 years and its great. My boyfriend is in the army and we knew the time would come when he had to leave right now its 3 weeks but later on maybe more. I'm never without him he's my support system and I'm his. I just don't know what I can do to keep my mind off this?what Also can I do in the meantime to make time go faster?or something special to do for him for when he gets back?its so hard I just need some suggestions. Thanks if you can relate please share your story.




  1. It's great that you are so close, but don't invest so much time in each other that you alienate others, as you need others when you are apart and it can be unhealthy.  Spend time giving into family relationships and friendships while he is away.  And don't drop your friends when he is back.

  2. I can't say it's the same, but in terms of ur best friend/partner leaving, i can kinda relate, I left my bestfriend/Boyfriend 4000 miles away and it was the hardest thing i've ever done. however as his best friend he wanted the best for me. I left for my career, and though it hurt he supported me every step of the way. He was there when i was scared and encouraged me and let me know i was doing the right thing...never did he faulter in his confidence in me and that in it's self was invaluble, 11 months later and I still have my best or on the other end of the phone, and we are blessed to c each other every 2-3 months....(he's visting me it's my turn to go home.)U will be will be hard but for now enjoy every single day together, make everything an adventure and dont think about as the 'last time before u go'. before he goes, do something sentimental... a box of his favourite things, or go to a place that holds special meaning to u both....Best friends don't come and go and know matter how far he is...he will still be there for you...mines be there for me 3years and i wouldn't have it any other way...Hope it helps and Good Luck.  

  3. What has helped me in the past was getting a job, buying books to read and setting goals for myself.  Such as week #1 I will go through my second bedroom and organize, or I will finish that book that I am trying to read.  I know it is hard, but trust me the more time you take now for yourself the better.  My fiance went to Iraq in 2004, we were inseparable, he was killed there.  I still miss him, and my husband is very supportive of me, even going with me on the memorial runs.  When he first left, I organized our home, read like 3 books and even started to go to college.  When I got the news, I broke down and cried my heart out.  I wish you strength, luck and if you need to talk, please email me.  

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