
My boyfriend bought me underwear

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I am 13 and we have been dating for like 3 months but we were best friends for over 5 years before. I mean some of them were normal panties but there were 2 thongs in there. I don;t wear thongs!

i don't know what to do.




  1. Just where them in front of him,

    they are actually pretty comfy(:

  2. sorry, but that is really weird! you should talk to him about how uncomfortable you feel when he did that.

  3. There's not much to do, a gift's a gift.

    You don't wear thongs? Well, there's a first time for everything.

  4. im 13 too. i had a bf and if he would have bought me underwear i probably would have threw it at him. that is soo wierd. you know now all he s*x.

  5. Dose he want to have s*x with you or something????

    13 far out if thats like a joke to you something buy him thongs and send them to him with a big letter telling him that there lucky and he should wear them every

    I'm almost 13 and I have never heard of any one doing anything like that...

  6. I think he probably wanted to get you something he thought was mature. lol  

  7. Say thanks and never mention it again

  8. Well getting underwear from you boyfriend of 3 months is weird especially at 13 I should know I am 13. Give the gift back if you think it is way to personal or just don't wear the thongs. If you don't feel way to awkward about him giving you underwear then I guess it's ok to continue the relationship but you have to ask yourself this what was going through his mind when he thought up the idea. If i were you I would ask him why he got me the underwear. It could be just a joke but sometimes when a person has been a friend for so long it's hard to switch the relationship from hanging out as friends to dating. Don't get to scared it might just be nothing. (if he's cute you should be able to forgive him)

  9. he wants you in his pantss thats what that meanss nahttt gooood. talk to him aboutt it ...........

  10. Well... it's an odd gift for some one that is 13. It could mean that he wants to see you in them (no offense). It might be his way of saying he's ready.

  11. u can start too wear them :P

  12. Ha ha a few months back I was dating a 14 year old (I'm 16) and he asked me to buy him some thongs for his birthday.  Cuuute.  Thongs aren't anything sexual, they're just a type of underwear.  Don't let that scare you.  They prevent embarrassing panty lines and lots of girls find them much more comfortable than regular underwear.  Go ahead and try one on just to see how it feels.  If you don't like them then stick them in the back of your closet and every time you clean it out you'll come across them and think of him lol. Good luck. =]

  13. He probably just didn't know what you wear so he bought both. It seems kinda weird, he probably just couldn't find anything. At least, you can always use some more!

  14. if you dont wear them then dont wear them

    your too young for people to buy you panties

  15. That is odd. But why he did it because he wants to see you in them and only them. Tell him to keep it in his pants.


  16. Tell him you don't wear thongs! Do you want something stuck up your butt all day?

  17. just be like, "wtf"?

    treat it as a joke.

    if he's trying to get you in bed he'll probly be mad as h**l

    but it'll save you!

  18. it's normal for an older couple to do that...the point being that the guy would see them on the girl...but you guys are waaaayyyy too young for that. Maybe he has some not so good intentions. Or maybe he just thought you would like them, but be careful. Think before you do anything or buying underwear could lead to buying diapers!

  19. don't listen to the perverts in this thread..... I'm sure we'll hear their stories on "To Catch a Predator" soon. This gift is extremely suggestive, and if you accept it, given the kind of guy he is, he might think you are agreeing to do things that you don't want to do.... and think you "owe" it to him. Usually underwear is given in a relationship after the sexuality is already well established and the couple wants to spice things up. I'd toss this guy as far away as possible ASAP.

  20. lol aww dats cute, no homo

    umm just keep it 4 future refrence

  21. well keep for later

  22. He bought you underwear? wow thats strange.

    well tell him tahnks and say that you don't wear thongs and ask why he got them.

    Thats wierd for his age.

  23. Someone's trying to get in your pants. I would be very aware of him...

    UNLESS he's just one of those crazy guys making a little joke...but who would spend money for a thong for a joke for a 13 year old?

    I'm glad your a virgin- stay one.

    AND please don't start wearing make-up. Girls look pretty without make-up until they start wearing it. So look pretty without having to do anything!

  24. wear them anyways.

    thats funny.

    he wants you to wear them so do it.

  25. Tell him that you don't think the underwear is the kind of gift you are ready for right now, tell him that you like flowers or a cool hat, or if he wants to get your something 'romantic' maybe a teddy or some nice bath stuff (for you to use alone)

    Explain to him that you are not ready for a physical relationship even though you guys have know each other for over 5 years.

    If he is still pushy ( buying a girl underwear usually means they want to see you in it and out of it), break up with him, have a chat to your mom about it, surprisingly they are not always as ancient as we might think, there advice can really help


  26. u can always start!!!

  27. strange gift..

    when i get a bf

    he better get me a appropriate gift


  28. by giving you a thong it dosen't mean he wants you to sleep with him or anything like that.a

    and virgins can wear them too.

  29. Under wear is great! But way to awkward when your own boy friend is buying them for you. He might just want to see them on you. Don't let him talk you into s*x if he hasn't already.

  30. Hahaha well he doesn't have to know that does he? Aren't you a bit young for thongs at 13?  

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