
My boyfriend cries a lot... he seems too sensitive?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know. Sometimes I tease him for little things. This hasn't ever been a problem with any of the friends I've had. It's just joking around. But he ends up mad at me or cries or both and then won't talk to me. We've been going out only like three months. The one time I got fed up cause he was ignoring me and I got upset with him ( =P i ended up throwing my yoga mat at him cause he still ignored me). I told him I was mad and then barely talked to him... and he started crying... and I couldn't be mean anymore. I was still mad but he was crying. Anytime he gets mad or cries I always end up trying to make him feel better. But when I got upset he just ignored me more! He always tries to make me out like I'm the bad guy. When he's mad he asks why I'm so annoying, that he has to deal with it all the time from everyone. My response to that is that he knows I have more to deal with but I don't get annoyed with every little thing. That he needs to learn to control his temper, learn control, try out meditation or something... he says he doesn't want to change. what do you guys think? I like him but I don't know if I can handle him mad at me so much... he doesn't seem to think he's angry at me so much b/c he gets annoyed just so often that he thinks it's normal.




  1. He may have had some kind of stress related episode in his life.
    I met a guy at church who cries a lot EVERYBODY just ignores him.
    We began a relationship. Some of the people there are bitter and mean-thats why he is so depressed, plus he lost his job.

    He is always happy with me.
    I had to leave that congregation. I am trying to get him to change also,but I don't think he will because of family.
    Stress,unhappiness...all of that brings tears.

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