Me and my boyfriend have been dating for going on eight months and I just found out yesterday that he has been married since july of last year. I thought this before when I found a recepit with her name on it but he said that the chick was his sister (fishy).I confronted him about what I found out and asked him why did he lie to me. He said he already knew that I have a clue when I asked him about the name on the receipt, but he said he felt that this information was to personal for me to know and he felt that him being married and trying to get a divorce shouldn't have to publicized to everyone that should be between him and her. He said that he felt that he could tell me things when we have been together for a year (he said not literally, but hey) I told him I felt betrayed and that this is something that effects me. He said he never wanted me to find out because he was trying to get a divorce. I don't know why he can't just tell me about his life the things of his child hood. I know he has been through a lot in his life with no family and no trust for people (feeling that somethings people should not know) but he tells me that he wants to be with me forever he loves me wants to marry me. He also tells these things to all his friends, close friends, and I hear it all the time from him. His friends don't know about the marriage either b/c I tried getting some info out of them about the woman and they didn't know who the h**l I was talking about. Should I feel betrayed or is it a certain time in a relationship to release this sort of information.
I love him and I am just so confused right now. He said he is not hiding anything else and I asked in responmse did that mean that he was goign to do a better job at covering things up and he of course that doesn't mean that. I also think that I am pregnant...he wants the baby but sometimes he feels that he is a big flaw in my life and doesnt want to mess it up or for me to feel like in the future that I made a mistake. Is he depressed or has low self esteem? COuld this have been a bad marrital decision on their part? I know I'm asking a lot of questions but right now I need a lot of answers!