
My boyfriend didnt come home last night?

by  |  earlier

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He went out to the pub with friends last night, and didnt get home till 9.30 this morning... Anyway he's in bed now but I'm hopeless at arguments and confrontation, what do I say? He's 32 we been together 8 years and have a little boy. When I asked he just said he's been at a friends house.

What do you think I should say?




  1. The first thing you need to do is calm down. You have a right to be angry. However, if you can't talk rationally to him, then no argument should happen. Let him sleep. He won't be in any shape to talk until he sleeps it off. When he wakes up, try to talk to him calmly. Tell him that you were worried that something may have happened to him when he didn't come home. Explain that you and your son need him to be responsible. Tell him you don't mind if he goes out with his friends but you expect him home at a decent hour. Ask him how he would feel if you went out and never came home. If he says he wouldn't care, then call his bluff. Go out with your girlfriends and stay out all night. See what his reaction is. He needs to grow up and take care of his family.  

  2. While hes in bed read his texts see if he has a new one, from a women, mates or anyone

    he could of gotten drunk and went to his friends

    a 8year relationship and a little boy, he wouldnt of cheat i think =]


  3. 1. get married already


  4. well he needs to tell you a little more than'i was at a friends house'.  Does he do this often or is tis a first?  maybe he got a little to liqoured up,and did not want to drive.  which was the smart thing to do,but he should of called.  Dont be to mad at him till you find out the truth.  just tell him i was really worried,why didn't you call? what happened?is everything ok..  

  5. hi primee. this is my opinion on your question. DID HE CALL AND LET YOU KNOW THAT HE'S GONNA SLEEP AT HIS FRIEND'S HOUSE? DO U TRUST HIM? For ME, i would rather do what he's doin' unto you... Think about reversing the situation. Let's say, what if you slept at friends house? What would he feel? Think about it lady.


  6. confront him. ask him which friend, call up tht friend n confirm.  

  7. just ask him-do you trust him????

  8. Sniff his bits!

  9. Don't ask a man to drink and think.

    Boozers are losers.

  10. Hi this is a difficult one even if he had been at a friend house he could of phoned you and let you know as you would of been worried sick, I would of been.

    When he gets up just ask him where he was and why didnt he ring, if he starts to argue just say you would of appreciated a phone call from him if he was planning on staying at a friends or at least a phone call as soon as he woke to come hom from his friends. I would be furious but if you dont want to have a big arguement I would just let him know that is wasnt right to do that to you.

    I think I would be furious if I also had a little boy and his dad came stubbling 9;30 am without no explanation it doesnt really set a good example.

    I would say you could always go out and not come back till morning and dont ring him and see what he says, take your son with you and see how he feels.

    Some men just need a  

  11. Just ask him to call or text next time he stops out just so that he doesn't worry you.

    Then leave it.

  12. Did he tell you which friends house he stayed at ? If your don't trust him call and check his story out, see if it matches up with his.

    How well do you trust him ? After this not much I'm sure, looks like he has does this before more than once.

    At the age of 32 and you giving you eight years I would think he should be closer to your needs. After all your the mother of his child and hopefully his love.

    How long have you been with him ? Time to set down some simple rules to him, I mean who does he think he is.

  13. just remind him that you would have appreciated a phone call so you would know that he is ok and that you could have come and picked him up if he needed a ride. no need to make a huge fight about it unless you think he was not really at his friends house all night. If this is his first offense of this nature just tell him to be more considerate of you when he makes those choices.

  14. What was his attitude when he got back home this morning, did he apologise, did he seem sorry? Tell him you deserves respect and this includes a phone call for you not to worry. Ask him how he would have felt if YOU had come back home at 9.30 this morning. Funnily enough, it's only when one puts oneself in the other's shoes than one really understands things. Also, try to check if there's not a malaise at the moment in your relationship, but keep it light and don't worry too much.

  15. In your position I would not be happy but I would not yell (at least not at first) I would give him the chance to explain why he was unable to come home or at the very least phone. I would then make it clear that I felt very disrespected and that I don't have relationships with people who disrespect me. Perhaps your relationship differs from my marriage but I would make it clear that this can never happen again if he wants to live with me. If you feel he has been sexually unfaithful (I wouldn't jump to that conclusion; may just have been very drunk) then you need to act accordingly to protect your own sexual health. if he is hung over he may not be in a good position to discuss his behaviour!

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