
My boyfriend discharged ON my v****a .it was the second day after periods were over?will i be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i tried to wipe it off.but some was still left there.i tok bath after 1 and a half hrs and tried to wash it from iside period started on 19 july and ended on 24 july.i dah this s*x on 26 july.please help as im really scared.wht shud i do




  1. I'm guessing you're pulling out?

    First, use a condom. Tell him he's using a condom. If he gives you **** for it, tell him you won't have s*x with him otherwise.

    Second, go on birth control. Two contraceptives are better than one, and it's always good to have peace of mind, as I'm sure you're aware.

    Third, it's really rare to get pregnant by something like that, especially if the come wasn't "pushed" into your v****a and you washed it off quickly. Don't sweat it too much. Worrying will only make you feel worse and can delay your period, and I'm sure that would only cause more stress!

  2. lol im jealus of your boyfriend. I wish i could do that!

  3. Get to the family planning clinic or chemist and get the emergency contraceptive. Pronto. You have 72 hours after s*x to do this but the sooner the better and better to be safe than sorry!

  4. discharged?eww...

  5. how old r u anyway? its good to include that in a question:)

    umm there is a chance u cud be peggers

    but i suggest u take a test in a few weeks :)


  6. na cos u just had ur period maybe if i was a week or two later than yes

  7. ewwwwwwww thats is sick. why wud u tell people that, seriously!!!

  8. I don't think so but you had better stop that kind of activity or you could get pregnant. Take a s*x ed class and learn about birth control. You sound really young to be a mommy.

  9. very very unlikley

  10. even if u wipe, u wash from inside (how is that possible??) or do whatever u could still get pregnant...

    i had s*x ONE day after my period had finished and was on the pill (missed it that day) and i still got pregnant... u can't do anything now i am afraid, just pray

  11. Learn from this and stop with that nonsense if you aren't ready for a baby.  Seriously.  If you aren't ready to raise a child, why in the world are you having s*x?  Even birth control has a failure rate, which is actually higher than what the manufacturers would like everyone to believe, so why have s*x if you are unable to raise a child?

    For what you should do now, tell your parents.

  12. no i dnt think u could be pregnant but if u are worried an if u dnt get ur period take a preg test then hun but more than likely u are not preg

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