
My boyfriend does weed do drugs really change people?

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my boyfriend does weed and he just seems to get real angry about even little things and doesn't seem to care about nobody but himself and doesn't want to be close to anyone. My friend who has been friends with him a long time before said he was never like that when he didn't smoke.I was wondering do drugs really change people I would really like answers to this question because it bothers me just thinking about it. btw I do not do drugs and I'm against doing them I just love my boyfriend no matter what. But if he's doing all of this I do not know if our relationship could stand strong...




  1. you don't need to be with someone who uses, you're never going to change him, just dump his *** and get someone clean instead. It will only end in tears

  2. When it comes to things like weed, it really depends on the person.  Is he responsible???  Does he know that weed comes after paying your bills and having money for food???  Does he get angry when he can't get high?  See I smoke, but I make sure that everything is taken care of first, so then I can relax.  Drugs can change people, but there are debates as to marijuana falling under the same catagory as drugs like heroin, or ice, or PCP.  If he just smokes and relaxes, but does good in life, good job, reliable person, then just let him smoke.......

  3. Yes. I watched two of my good friends turn into stoners during high school. One of them dropped out and has tried to kill himself a few times, but is doing alright now. The other stayed on at school and is now in the army and keeping busy.

  4. Yes

    My former best friend got into smoking weed. He began showing the same exact symptoms that your boyfriend had and now he is suicidal.

  5. Well if he gets angry marijuana does not sound like the drug he is using. Marijuana makes a person lazy, forgetful and careless. Drugs do change a persons behavior. Crack/cocaine can make a person fidgety irritable and relatively productive due to its chemical components. Heroine makes a person act completely different. They stumble stutter and have extremely impaired judgement such as confusing an object like a tv remote control for the telephone. Remember they call marijuana a gateway drug. This means that it leads to more serious drug habits. I hope this helps you to help your boyfriend get clean.

  6. Im sorry to put is so harshly, but no sh**. Drugs can temporarily chance the psyche and mental well being of an individual. The changes do vary, example, weed has a far less effect on the psyche than Crystal Methamphetamine. It all depends on the drug, but they ALL change a person. Depending on how hard it is, it can kill you (a single dose of meth has been known to kill).  

  7. Casual weed, less frequently than once a week: absolutely no problem.

    Harder drugs, or frequent cannabis use, may lead to problems: financial, physical, attitudinal, etc.

  8. It comes down to whether you can make your boyfriend more intrested in you than weed (which he should be). if you see change and express it to him, he will stop or cut back.  

  9. You have already answered your question. You just got the proof that, yes, drugs do change people.

    Any drug, supplement, herb or over the counter drug can have a side effect and change people's emotions/attitudes/etc.

    If he is that angry, I fear for your safety. Think about yourself and get away from this guy.

  10. Look half these people have no clue what they're talking about

    1-Yes drugs do change people, they become MENTALLY addicted to pot, i once was but now i moderate myself and dont prioritize my life to focus on pot- i'm bipolar and have depression and ****, but when i was smoking pot heavily thats all i cared about and i was always angry if i didnt have pot because i became so dependent on it , i didnt care about my parents my friends or my long as i had bud i was happy

    2-chances are he wont change unless he stops smoking-which he probably wont unless he gets busted-that straightened my *** out real quick

    3-if he cant find the yin yang, or balance between his girlfriend and pot and make them exist happily and peacefully together in his world, then tell him to choose you or the bud

    4-there's plenty of other guys so if not take your pick- hope everything turns out good for both of yous

  11. yes it does change people when i was 10 my stepmom left me for 2 years while she was off doin drugs.she got caught of course ... when she left she was run in from the law and she never saw me or my 2 younger sisters and younger brother i would always watch them as my dad went to work..  all i have to say is it does change people!!

  12. Unfortunately Weed does cause people to change. They lose all respect for themselves sometimes and yes he needs to get help. And that is hard. You need some kind of intervention. Speak with him about it. He's just throwing his life away. That is very sad, sorry to say. There is something causing this, would be good for you to go to an Al-anon group yourself.  

  13. Theres nothing wrong with smoking weed! He might be doing it alot because somethings bothering him and he doesnt want to face it so he justs gets high instead. Weeds not changing him, hes just not facing his problems and taking it out on something else, weed should be legalized... alcohol is way worse that pot and everyone knows it!

  14. No people change people~

  15. Personally, if I would say either stop or we're over.

    Yes, weed kills brain cells, so of course it will change people and their personalities.

    He really needs to either quit, or if he is already very, very addicted, he needs to get help.

  16. The say it isnt addictive but it is. i have a frind who was really into skating and really good but he started doing drugs and quit skating b.c of them. we all noticed that he was allways in a bad mood except for when he is high. so to answer your question yes it does change people. and my advice is the next time you are with him take his hand and tell him that you dont like it when he is doing drugs and the fact he does them. BUT DONT! be angry with him b.c no guy will stay with a girl who is allways b!tching at them so just be calm and chill

  17. 1 - my sister has been on weed so i know what is going on here...

    2 - yes weed/drugs change people negatively

    3 - try as hard as you can to get him OUT of it completely

    4 - if that doesnt work threaten to dump him

    5 - if he dosent stop... dump him. g'dluck and hope you get over it well

    PS - i have researched on weed IS addictive... whoever says that drugs dont change people IS SO WRONG. YOU OBVIOUSLY ARE IN DENIAL OR DONT KNOW. DONT STATE WRONG FACTS TO PEOPLE.

  18. drugs make people do weird things. weed doesn't really have an anger effect as much as alcohol can. talk to him about it, if you don't accept it, find someone else who doesn't do it. weed burns you out and eats at your money, no drug is worthy.

  19. it makes them moody, smoking can really change a person. this is comming from someone who had trouble with drugs as a teen. i think that if the relationship is as strong as you say, tell him to stop smoking. threaten to break up wth him, weed, or any drug changes a person inside and out.

  20. Yep but not like what that stupid D.A.R.E. program said. I wouldn't date anyone that does drugs (Except alcohol but not a alcoholic) thats for sure

  21. yes drugs change people. my sister lost her kids because of drugs. she got off drugs and now has her kids back. dump his ace if he is on drugs . if he loves you he would not do the drugs.

  22. Been there, done that. If you do not agree with him smoking weed, have you told him that? Have you or would you ever ask him to stop? I did that and it never stuck. He always went behind my back and did it anyway. It was just never something he could shake. We constantly disagreed on this subject, him saying it didn't change him and me saying it clearly did. I loved the person my boyfriend was when he was totally sober, but disliked  him when he smoked. Anyway I think you have to decide for yourself if you're willing to stick it out with him and possibly deal with him continuing to smoke weed. But it sounds like you really do have a problem with it and you probably won't ever be able to get over it. You have a lot to think about, and discuss with your boyfriend I'm sure. I tried everything, many many times and it ended up I couldn't change my bf. You can't make someone stop unless they truly want to, ya know? I hope you find happiness and make the right decision for yourself. Good luck.

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