
My boyfriend dreams that i(his gf) die in an accident . what is the meaning of this dream ?? is he going away?

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I got off the phone this evening with my lover, who told me that he had a bad dream where he had cried in his dream & that he did indeed had tears in his eyes when he woke up. Details of the dream : i was on a bike setting off to buy veggies for my bf & told him to buy some choclates while he asked me to come back soon as he was hungry. when i arrived, i was just telling him that i'd cook ,when a lorry from the other end suddenly came & knocked me off. he came rushing towards me with tears, & soon we were in the hospital where i was being taken inside, i kept saying i'll cook for him; my thigh was broken; & after a few minutes, the doctors came back stating i was dead & he immediately woke up .

Now i have read statements such as "To see someone dying in your dream, signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person." & "To dream that a loved one dies in an accident, indicates that something in your own Self that is no longer functional and is "dead". It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship. "

Does that mean that my boyfriend has no more feelings for me ...or he's drifting away ???? If that is so then why did he cry ????????? Im really confused.

He had the dream in the evening. Strangely i wasn't able to sleep last nite coz i was seeing skulls when i closed my eyes & i was so freaked out i left my room to sleep in mom's. i am used to sleeping alone since std 5 !!! & now ????????? apparently he did get a tatto of the pirates of carribean (skull with cross swords) tatto on him... (which i wouldn't as the thought of a skull on someone's body !!! - i havent seen his yet however) which i did speak of to him yesterday so ... i can probably brush aside the skull episode ........Also mine was merely an image that came when i closed my eyes . Not a dream .....

Yet his dream & my sighting ... any connections ??? Please help ... im thoroughly confused ...




  1. My boyfriend has dreams like this, and vise versa. We've talked about it, and we've come to the conclusion that he doesn't want to loose me, and he is sincerely concerned for me. Whereas in your case, your boyfriend is extremely concerned for you, loves, you, and does NOT want to loose you/ He has these dreams because he is afraid that you are too good to be true, and he can't loose you because he loves you. Best Wishes!  

  2. He had the dream; start there; most dreams we have are about ourselves, and the other people in them are usually representative

    of something else.  Death in a dream means change.

    Perhaps he fears change.

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