
My boyfriend fed our bearded dragon chunks of steak?

by  |  earlier

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I'm incredibly angry with him for doing so. It's like having a child for a S.O.. I have to watch everything he's doing.

Anyway, my gut tells me that steak is bad for our beardie, but he asks me, "How?" and I can't explain it. Is it bad for her? How?




  1. wow DONT listen to these ppl

    he will be fine my little brother once gave my beardie a peice of a cheesburger a big azz peice with the meat bread and kethup etc and he was fine he was only like 5 months old at the time ..

  2. Well like all the other answers, they're not supposed to have lots of red meat. Ask your boyfriend if he put sauce on it. If he did, Ide keep a CLOSE eye on your dragon. He might have an upset tummy rght now. Give him a warm bath and gently rub his tummy and try to incourage him to drink lots of water. Possibly use an eye dropper and put sprinkle it in front of him or get him to eat some light salad to make it go down easily. If he seems to have difficulties doing his business within 15 hours ide take him to the vet.

  3. did he put some A1 steak sauce on it

  4. They are omnivores, and their diet consists of insects (over 50 kinds in the wild) and plant matter.  Insect protein is very different from animal protein in it's chemistry.  

    Meat is much higher in fat.  Meat is higher in phosphorus and can also throw calcium levels out of whack.  

    Here's a good link on what is GOOD to feed your beardie baby!

  5. It is really bad for them because at that age, they can only eat and digest insects.

  6. at that age it shouldnt be eatin meat

    its digestive isnt full developed

    insects should be its diet

    and finely chopped veggies

    when she gets older

    then she could eat a meat

  7. if it was raw, or cooked PLAIN, i'd bet she'd be fine (even though its not good for her to be eating it.

    Hopefully it didn't have spices, seasoning, salse, etc on it.

    This is why i keep varinids. If someone tried to feed them something and just randomly opened the cage, they would quite literally eat the food item, along with mangaling the persons hand. (teaches them a lesson) lol

  8. Yes its bad for her cause she is so young i would've beat him for that dump him!


  10. You can start with the very basics and ask your S.O. to:

    1.)  Show me ONE proof of video or documentation showing a Bearded Dragon running down a cow, and taking a bite in the wild!

    2.) PROVE to me it's not harmful by calling the vet and asking (I'll be on the extension listening).

    3.) Get your OWN Bearded Dragon to experiment on (preferrablly a rubber one)!  (AND leave mine alone, no matter what!)

    4.) STOP getting your information from the movie "Komodo!"

    5.) And "I just thought it would be cool" is NOT an excuse!

    I could go on and on.  All women (well, most) end up having to deal with a man in their life at some point or another.  Sigh.

    No, please don't feed the lil darlin meat.  As your other posters so elegantly stated it: they aren't designed to ingest and digest it.  

    If you S.O. is bored, and wants to contribute to the Beardie's care, then have him research gut loading crickets FOR the Beardie to eat, and get him distracted on the project of setting up and maintaining the crickets!!!

    OR - have him check out the links below, and research the reason as to why "no" is a good answer.

    I hope this has been helpful (and good luck training the S.O... it will be MUCH easier to train the Beardie!!!)

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