
My boyfriend has 2 different colored eyes, I have brown eyes, what color would our baby's eyes be?

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I am wondering, when we decide to have children together what color would the baby's eyes be?

My eyes are a dark brown and I had a grandmother with 2 different colored eyes (1 was brown and 1 was blue). My boyfriend has a green eye that has small blue spots in it and his other eye is a brown green with blue in it.

I know that brown is the dominant gene but are there more chances for our children to have eyes that are brown, blue, or even green because of his eyes?

Side note: I am the only person in my family with dark brown eyes, everyone has either hazel eyes or blue.




  1. Plaid

  2. bloodshot

  3. Multcolored



  4. Who can say?

    it all depends on how your and your boyfriends cells and genes work together, the babies eyes could be any colour, even if you both had dark brown eyes theresnothing to say your babies eyes owuld not come out blue, they would more than likely be brown but they could also be any other colour, same with hair if you both have brown hair they could come out with another colour hair or if your blonde and he s brown baby could come out with red hair, blond hair, brown hair.

    itll all be a suprise!!


  5. My mom has really blue eyes my dad had green and I have hazel with a big brown spot over half of one of them. They also change with I wear! You can never really tell what eye color they will have. Sorry!

  6. You can never tell... My husband has dark brown eyes, I have green/grey eyes, and our first boy has really blue eyes, our youngest has brown like my hubby!

    It will just be a nice surprise for you when it happens I guess!

  7. I think since the brown eye gene is dominant that your childs eyes will be brown, but however it may go with the recessive gene. If you really want to find the ratio, then you need to find out your familys eye colors and work it out. thanks :-)

  8. crazy beautiful!!! that will be interesting to see.. but no one can rally tell u exactly.. u will have to wait and see! but babies eyes are grey for the first month or so... so u might not find out for a while

  9. Clear in one eye, translucent plaid in the other two

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