
My boyfriend has changed...?

by  |  earlier

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when me and my boyfriend first started going out he was really sweet to me. and after two months he started to change and all he talk about is having s*x. whenever he is with me or talking to me he is horny. he tells me how much he loves me and i know he does but i dont want that to be all he talks about. when i tried to talk to him about it before he understood but kind of got mad. i want to talk to him about it again but i dont want him to get mad at me. is there anything i can do?




  1. Only 2 months nd ur already in luv??? i hope ya'll knew each other a while b4 that, but anyway back 2 ur ?... In relationships guys r usually nice for the first couple of months then they get comfortable nd show who they really r, if he really loves u he'll respect ur feelings nd stop bringin it up, if he's a self centered horn dog he will continue its ur v****a, there 4 it is ur choice... cuz when its right u'll kno

  2. Tell him your not ready and that he should respect your wishes. If he gets mad, then I'm sorry to say hunny  that all he wants is s*x and is only saying that he loves you to sleep with you. I can tell your not ready please dont feel pressured to do something. Guys only think with you know what while girls think with their hearts.

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