
My boyfriend has lost his passport and is going to Holland tommorow. What advice shall i give him?

by Guest45003  |  earlier

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Hello there.

This is my first time asking a question so i hope i have done everything right.

Tommorow my boyfriend is going to Holland to a festival (which had VERY expensive tickets) to see Rage Against the Machine. We live in England. He is going by ferry then driving through France and Belgium.

He is leaving in a few hours and has lost his passport. Would he be able to get back into England (or into Holland) without his passport. We have been through the ferry service many times before when we have been to Belgium and Germany and we have always needed to show our passports. Would a simple drivers liscence be enough?

He is really worried and i want to help but there is little i can find on the internet that helps so i thought i would come here.

Thank you so much if you offer any help.




  1. i think he might have to scrap the Holland trip. but you can get a new passport. just go to and go under lost and stolen passports. then follow the instructions. he might have to submit all the information over again though. but this is for a U.S Passport. im assuming your talking about a U.S passport since your on an American website. but if not, im sorry and cannot help you. good luck.

  2. Ring the ferry company & ask them, check your tickets see if they say anything about ID requirements

  3. If you're citizens of the UK, aren't you permitted to travel anywhere in the EU without a passport?

    If you're not citizens of the EU, I believe you will have to tell him to scrap the trip.

    Edit:  There was no need to give me thumbs down, just because I didn't have a correct answer for you.  I answered this question because I was always under the impression that citizens of the EU had free range throughout the EU.  I've learned something today that I did not know before, thanks to bla bla's answer.  Yahoo needs to remove this thumbs down option.

  4. Sorry but I think he has a big problem.  He won't be able to travel with just a driving licence no.  

    You can get an emergency passport if you go in person (at least you used to be able to) but this still takes half a day + (at extra cost) and of course is only available on working days, today being Sunday it isn't going to happen

    By all means call the ferry company, but they will tell you the same.  I've done this trip many times over - sorry

    Some EU member states have ID cards and these can be used, but the UK doesn't (long debate I know!) and therefore the passport is the only form of travel ID available to Brits

    P.S. - if his passport is lost and he really can't find it, remember to report this officially with the police just in case - as identity report is rife.

    P.S. to the answerer above - just because it is an English environment on Y!A doesn't automatically mean that we are all American!  You have an option to choose US only or English, but also note that some countries don't have a dedicated site and therefore enrol on the US site anyway.  However as this question is placed in the UK section, she says that they live in England and are going to Holland, then I think it's pretty obvious that being American has nothing to do with it

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