
My boyfriend has never been the kissing type ?

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He usually likes to give and recieve tap kisses and the most he will do is probably suck on both my upper and lower lip but never french kiss and I love to french kiss especially while having s*x ...I feel that that's part of fore play and intimacy.

I'm sure it's not my breath cause I asked my dentist but then again I've asked him if he was like that before with other girls and he said yea that he was but he made it seem like he did before but stopped at one point in his life and he did say he wasn't into it tounge kissing that those things are for teenager but we both 26 and we are still young it isn't like we are 86...Is there anyone that can make me understand..thanks




  1. Sometime this happen because some woman have bad breath, and he may not tell you that might hurt you.

  2. ummm...I cant make you understand, cuz quite frankly, I dont understand it myself!   Im 23 my man is 26, and he puts his tongue down my throat every chance he  gets!!!!     I have to tell him to stop sometimes! LOL.  

    I dont know, maybe he is insecure with HIS breath, or with his kissing abilities. you guys engage in oral and stuff?  Maybe he is just weirded out by having things other than food in his mouth???  

    I really dont know what to tell you, you can try to get him to like it, but if its not his thing, its just not his thing.   Can you really live with a person who never kisses you though?  It something to think about.  I know I would have a major issue with it, and I am not so sure our relationship could survive!

    EDIT:  Age, I am sure has nothing to do with it.  I wanna be french kissing until im 100!

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