My boyfriend is 18, and his dad seems intent on forcing him to move to LA with him. ...Unless he has a full time job, a car, completes the GED, and is able to support himself entirely. Firstly, my boyfriend would rather complete high school than take the GED, and it's his decision to do what he wants with his life. He doesn't have to rush to meet his dad's needs. He doesn't even live in his dad's house, he lives in his grandma's house, and his dad pays rent. If my boyfriend were to pay rent himself, he'd be able to stay. My parents have also offered him to live with us & pay rent, since we've got 1 extra room. What his dad is trying to do is ridiculous, and I was wondering what it would be considered.. is it illegal to force someone to go somewhere with you when they're an adult? & what can my boyfriend do about it? Also, what could he tell his dad in an attempt to get him off his back? (We live in California, by the way.)