
My boyfriend is 29, has grey hair and is balding. WTF?

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My boyfriend is 29, has grey hair and is balding. WTF?




  1. my husband stared balding in  his twentys so he shaved his head. looks ok. it hapens to alot of guys

  2. Is he Taylor Hicks?

  3. Hair grows white when the color pigment (melanin) ceases to be produced in the hair follicle and small air spaces take its place. Check out for more info on gray hair.

  4. Pick your husband carefully.

    Remember those high school senior boys who looked like 8th graders?

    You know, the ones you avoided back then?

    They are the ones who will have all of their hair at 50.

    Your boyfriend was the high school junior who never got carded. He's paying for it now.

    Guys like me, who will never go bald, already paid back in high school. Guys like your boyfriend get no sympathy from me.

  5. My dad was bald by 25, and my cousin was bald by 21.  Balding and greying aren't only for old people.  

    If you love your boyfriend what does it really matter.  If it is a huge problem for you, you are shallow and he deserves someone better.  There are plenty of women out there you find bald attractive, and grey distinguished, so don't think he can't do better.

  6. My husband is 24 and graying/balding.  I had a friend in High School who started balding when he was 15.  It happens sometimes.

  7. it's really not abnormal at all.  due to genetics these things happen sooner or later in various people.  some start turning grey in their teens.  some start balding before 20.  it's definitely in the normal range.  it's within normal human parameters and not really odd at all.

    it is early...much earlier than 'usual' but it is not freakish or anything.  

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