
My boyfriend is Bipolar, help?

by  |  earlier

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I love him, I really do.

It's like living with two people sometimes.

He has his good and his bad days.

I don't know if I should talk to him about it, or even what I should say.

If there is anyone that is in my position too, it would be great to get some advice.




  1. I have been married to a man for 11 years who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 4 years ago.  I DO NOT recommend this for anyone.  I don't want to discourage you, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have gotten out ASAP. Now my kids are at the age that they would have a horrible time with a divorce.  It does not get better.  only worse.  I love him and I hate him.  Well, maybe hate is too strong a word, but at times I absolutely cannot stand to even look at him.  He makes my life miserable.  He drives our kids crazy.  He steals things and pawns them when he is worried about money.  He can't seem to distinguish truth from fiction.  He can't hold down a job.  He absolutely worries my parents and his parents to a frazzle.  Please think long and hard before putting yourself through this long term.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. I have bi polar if you had it you would really know how badly your boy friend lives from day to day

    if you cant take it find some one else

  3. Bipolar disorder shouldn't be treated as a skeleton in the closet,  but I can't tell what you want to talk to him about.  It sounds like he's already aware of it.  You should encourage him to take his medication, if he isn't, and again, if he isn't doing so already, to get help.  There's no reason either of you should suffer any more than necessary over this.

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