
My boyfriend is a canandian citizen and he wanted to apply a fiancee visa for us to get a filipino?

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My boyfriend is a canandian citizen and he wanted to apply a fiancee visa for us to get a filipino?




  1. sounds like he found you on one of those internet dating sites, you should be deported.

  2. Prove your relationship that it is genuine and your partner must be able to show that he can shoulder your expenses in Canada.

  3. i can imagine your play with canadian peoples....take care

  4. Would that be a visa for him, or a visa for you?  Are the two of you going to live in Canada or the Philippines.  If he's going there, he needs to contact the closest Philippine Consul General, or you need to contact your immigration department.  If you're coming to Canada, he needs to apply for your visa through the Canadian Immigration Department.  Most of this information is available on the internet.

  5. under what status are you living in the US ?

    Am I Eligible for a Fiancee Visa?

    If you are a U.S. citizen who wants to bring your foreign national fiancee (male or female) to marry in the U.S., you may petition (apply) for a fiancee visa (K-1) for your fiancee. Both of you must be free to marry. This means that both of you are unmarried, or that any previous marriages have ended through divorce, annulment or death. You must also have met with your fiancee in person within the last two years before filing for the fiancee visa. This requirement can be waived only if meeting your fiancee in person would violate long-established customs or would create extreme hardship for you. You and your fiancee must marry within 90 days of your fiancee entering the United States.

    You may also apply (on the same petition) to bring your fiancee's unmarried children, who are under age 21, to the United States.

    # Legal permanent residents may not file petitions for fiancee visas, although they may petition for the immigration of their new spouse after the wedding (see Bringing My Spouse to Live in the U.S.).#

    so therefore , you do not qualify to bring your boyfriend in the US under the fiance visa .......

    your best thing to do , is to get married in Canada and then get him trough the legal system to come to the US , if you both intented to live in the US .You were married before you became a legal permanent resident, and your spouse did not physically accompany you to the United States. You would now like your spouse to join you in the United States.

    You received a diversity immigrant visa

    You received an employment immigrant visa

    You received an immigrant visa based on your relationship with your brother or sister

    You received an immigrant visa based on your relationship with your parents when you were already married

    If you fall into these categories, submit the following information to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS):

    Form I-824 Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition

    A copy of the original application or petition that was used to apply for your immigrant status

    A copy of the I-797 Notice of Action for your original application or petition

    If the I-824 is approved, USCIS will notify a U.S. consulate that your status has been adjusted to that of a lawful permanent resident so that your spouse can apply for an immigrant visa. You must then ask your spouse to report to the local U.S. consulate to complete the processing.

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