
My boyfriend is a cocaine addict and wants to stop. How can I help?

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My boyfriend has been taking cocaine for 2.5 years. We started dating almost two weeks ago and he had been clean (of cocaine) since. He says that he wants to stop it for me (but I've never asked him to stop anything for me). I tell him he should do it for himself but he insists on asking me before doing things (example: is it okay if I smoke a cigarette?). Anyway, I don't know how to help him. Because today, one of his old friends wants to do some coke with him. He called me to tell me and I said I don't want to hangout with him when he does cocaine and he said it is okay. But he still asked me if he could do it and I said it's not for me to decide but for him. He said he was sorry and I said he should be sorry not to me but to himself.

Okay enough describing, he wants to stop, and I don't know how to help him. Any advice?




  1. take him to rehab.....................

  2. Make deal with him. every time he gets the urge to use coke. tell him u will give him a BJ. it will keep both of you busy. but stock up on mouthwash.

  3. If he really wanted to stop he would. I used to be addicted to cocaine, and one day I just decided I wanted to stop, and I did. It's really not as hard as people make it out to be to kick an addiction. All you need is will power, and a strong desire to stop it.

  4. With any drug addict they first have to come to terms that they have a problem then get help. Some people do have the power to just stop, my boyfriend stopped doing coke after doing it on and off for about 3-4 years. Eventually most addicts will hit rock bottom and hopefully that's when they'll change (if they don't sooner. Sometimes it may never happen. I took drug and alcohol classes for getting in trouble and we talked a lot about getting sober and the road to doing it. A lot of people in the class did have relapses, and it does take effort and time

  5. talk to him about going into a rehab. if he's willing, get him in there asap!!

  6. If he really wants to stop he could I was addicted for over 15 years, and I struggled trying to stop, 2 years ago I found out the truth. I wanted to stop, but I had reservations and in my subconscious mind I didnt want to .

    Yes I know its confusing but let me tell you in a nut shell.

    *Drug rehabs will work they have 20% success, even though they claim 50-60% (not true) I have been to 15, 30 day programs and spent a lot of money, to get my life back. If a person goes there and subconsciously doesn't want to stop he/or she wont.

    *cut out all friends who use, bottom line for 8 years i made that mistake of acting like I couldn't let go of my friends( Bullsh*t)

    If they used drugs and gave me drugs, they are not my friends (PERIOD)!

    *Cut all ties with people place and things that might trigger a relapse.

    like clubs/bars, ex's, using buddies, crack houses(places to get high)


    Get a support group of people who don't use drugs and I will tell you nobody in the group will tempt him to use drugs now he's got to fight the addict in his head, thats the tough one because it's hard for an addict to be honest most of the time because of shame and guilt.

  7. Maybe you should try to talk to him, and try to get him into a program. and no you shouldn't smoke its bad for you and that will just encourage him more to do drugs.

  8. First, ask yourself if you are okay with him doing that (sounds like you aren't).  Then, set your consequences if he does, and follow through!  Don't fall for the "this is the last time, honest" routine.  It is never the last time.  You can't control him, but you can control if you continue seeing him.

    If there is Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous around, maybe suggest he contact them and see if he's interested.

  9. umm, just to let you know if he said he stopped using for those two weeks or whatever, i think it was a lie mainly because he would most likely have with drawl symptoms from using such a drug on a regular basis. secondly you need to get him professional help, its beyond your or his control, if he really wants to quit he will get into a program.  

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