
My boyfriend is badly allergic to my cat what shud i do dump him or the cat???

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i love my cat to bits he is 7 i have been dating this guy 4 a month he has just been to my house and seen my cat his throat swelled up! wat shud i do dump him or my puss




  1. I was TOTALLY in the same situation as you. Are you living together? if not, then don't sweat it. Just don't take the guy over to your place much, and if he does come over, have some good benedryl on you - the kind you have to show your license for at the pharmacy - and just dope him up before he gets there.

    Thing is, Yes, you're all over him NOW...  but it's only been a month, so who cares? I almost got rid of my 8 year old cat three years ago for a guy because we wanted to move in together, but I knew that if she went to the shelter they'd just put her down 'cause she is too old to be re-homed. I said, "I don't think moving in is a good idea. I can't be that irresponsible to my cat. She loves me and it would break her heart to go to a new home this late in her life!" Eventually, he just said he'd take anti-histamines and be fine. And he did, and he was. Anyway, later we broke up (like three years later) for un-related reasons and I'm SUPER glad I didn't give her up just for a guy who was going to leave anyway!

    That's my take. Don't abandon your baby!

  2. Give it some time to get to know your boyfriend well enough.  You don't want to get rid of the cat and the next thing you know you find out this guy was not for you.

    Until then, make arrangements to meet places other than your place.  if things work out with you and your boyfriend, THEN worry about what to do with the cat.  Now is too soon. don't make any hasty decisions

  3.   Dump your boyfreind.  

  4. who do u love more?

  5. choose the one that you love more

  6. dont dump either of them that is rude and unloving and selfish to the cat just dont take your boyfriend home. Only a rude person would get rid of a cat for a person even if he is your boyfriend

  7. Go on dates with the guy outside of your home. Never choose a human over an animal! Animals will love you unconditionally, while boyfriends, on the other hand, come and go. (No offense) Your kitty will always be by your side, and if you've had it 7 years, four months shouldn't be any competition! Good luck

  8. You do not give your age.  I am assuming you are either 13 and you think a one month relationship is love or you are older and desperate for love.

    You have known this guy for a month and he is telling you what to do???!!!  What else is he going to tell you to do?  If he does not like the things that you love, he has little regard for your feelings.  If he wants to see you, he can make arrangements to do things away from your home.    

    You have had your cat for seven years and love it.  It is part of your 'family'.  Why would you get rid of something you love just because a new acquaintance tells you to.  If you dump something that you love, he will know that your feelings are very shallow.

  9. maybe you could go to your boyfriends doctor and see if they will give him any allergy medcine. And by the way if he doesnt have any. DUMP HIM  

  10. Well who is more LOYAL... hummmm I would think the cat.

    You can do things that help the situation.

    You can spay/ sprinkle products around that captures the dander (that is what he is allergic to )

    Vaccume A LOT.  Wash covering a lot!  this will get rid of the hanging around dander.

    put covers over couches / chairs/ beds that the cat can go on then take them off when the BF comes over.

    You can put the cat in a spare bedroom when he is there to aleviate direct contact.

    HAVE HIM TAKE SOME BENEDRILL... if he won't do that... well then!

    A good boyfriend is hard to find but he needs to be understanding and help you deal with the problem rather than getting rid of the cat first off.

    IF HE helps you deal with it or does what HE can to help the situation then he is a keeper ... if not then not so.  How he treats your cat is the way he will treat you... so just watch.

    good luck.. this is a sticky situation.  

  11. If you really love your boyfriend you have to do something about the cat. Maybe give him to a friend or relative to care for.  

  12. From the info you give, I'm thinking your boyfriend doesn't like cats, and he's exaggerating the allergy.

    Normally an allergy is watery eyes, sneezing, etc.  If your boyfriend's reaction was so severe that his throat closed up, then going to your house isn't the issue - your cat is going to shed on you, right?  If he's never had an allergy problem on a date with you, it seems likely the "allergy" is a lie.

    Look, if he was a good guy worth keeping, he'd look at getting shots or finding some other way to deal with it.  Instead, he's pushing you to get rid of your cat...

    Unless he's tried all the stuff before (medication, shots, etc), he's just giving you an excuse.  From his behavior, he sounds like a selfish jerk.

    For what it's worth, I had lots of allergy problems when I started dating my girlfriend.  Never once would I consider telling her to get rid of her cat.  I took medication, and that controlled it.  Now we're married and have two cats.

  13. Shave the cat(looks cool for some) shave your boyfriend?;o lol jokes yeah just give the mr.kitty to family and if the boyfriend does not work out take youre kitty back and say sorry coz they wont know why u left them ;3

  14. There are medications your boyfriend can take. If a guy told me to get rid of any of my pets, I'd tell him to leave and keep on walking.

    Why on earth are you asking people here what you should do?

  15. Babie -

    Don't you dare get rid of your cat.  You know this @sshole for one month.  Where does he get off telling you what to do and why would you even entertain the notion?

    Pets are not exchangable like bad merchandise.  You commit to care for them for the span of their lives.  Get rid of the boyfriend.

    Shame on you if you give into the pressure.

    PS - If a man "hates" your cat, he's not the one for you.

  16. dump the boyfriend!

  17. That cat has been loyal to you for 7 years. You've only been dating this guy for 1 month. It's obvious on who to pick.

    You do not have to dump the guy if you truly like him. Just meet at his place instead of yours for now on.

  18. Boys come and go. There is no guarantee this boy will still be around next year or even next week.

    1 month is nothing compared to 7 years.

    Just don't have your boyfriend come to your place where the cat is.

    If you dump the cat, you will probably regret it later.

    She said 1 month, not 4. I missed that too when I first read it. "4 a month"

  19. A boyfriend is not a fiance nor a husband.  You've had the cat longer, and the cat is not allergic to the boyfriend.  Can the boyfriend take allergy shots or pills?  If he is not willing to do that, then you need to think about what he is willing to do for you.  Why do you have to "dump" the boyfriend?  Can he just avoid your household and go to his instead?  Keep a lint brush or roller in your purse to take care of cat hair on your clothes (usually it's the dander, not the hair people are allergic to).  My neighbor's new boyfriend is allergic to her dog, but he thinks she worth getting a weekly shot to see where their relationship may go - does your boyfriend think it's worth it?  That's a discussion for you AND him - and shouldn't be decided by strangers.

  20. depend on what one you want more.

  21. Uhhh what do you think? A loyal companion of SEVEN YEARS, or another guy who you're not even sure of since you've only been dating him for FOUR MONTHS and there's a high chance that when you get rid of your cat he might leave you?

    That shouldn't even be a question!

    DUMP HIM. Or find some solutions to help his allergies.

  22. why dont you wait and see if you and the bf even last. a month is not a long time. just go to your bfs house instead of having him come to yours.

  23. you are going to have many boyfriends during your life.  find a new boyfriend.  if you dump the cat, you will regret it for the rest of your life.  the boyfriend will not be around for seven years, i guarantee you that.

    I am horrified that you would even ask this question.

  24. dont get rid of the cat! what if u get rid of the cat and then you end up breaking up you will probably feel really bad i kno i would

    just tell him to get something for his allergies  

  25. Dump the guy.


  27. If he is pressuring you to get rid of the cat that is your answer right there. No one who really cares about you is going to pressure you to get rid of a beloved pet they will just make accomidations (meet at his house instead of yours for example)   Get rid of your boyfriend.  The cat was there first and will be there long after the boyfriend is gone.    

  28. KEEP THE CAT. A cat is for life, boyfriends arent't. Just tell your boyf to get some allergy stuff from the doctor

  29. Why are you wanting to dump your cat after 7 years? Don't let this idiot pressure you either about getting rid of the cat. This cat loves you way more than this b/f of 1 month. I wouldn't think twice about dumping this guy. He's a looser from the word go!

  30. Tell him ( the boyfriend) to take some antihistamines and not be such a wuss.

    Don't ever dump a pet for a bloke. Pets are loyal - blokes usually aren't. This cat has stuck with you for 7 years, how can you even think of betraying that ?

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