
My boyfriend is bisexual...?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to be with him anymore, how do I tell him that I hate him and want to date his ex boyfriend who is now straight?




  1. You should get tested.

    And You should set your sights on a guy who hasn't ever done the nasty with another guy.

  2. ok you hate your bf because he is bisexual?

    your a troll!

  3. How does one go from being bi/g*y to being straight? I don't get that.

  4. Oh, quit being so hateful. You want to date his (STILL BI) ex-boyfriend just because you're jealous over the fact that someone else had his attraction. You've taken the rather odd step of actually wanting to be with said past attraction.

    If he cheated on you with him, then stay away from both. If he told you he was bi and you're just being hateful because you can't handle it or it causes you to - for whatever silly reason - feel less appealing, then grow up.

  5. He and his ex boyfriend sound like a headache. Don't over think this; just get far away from both of them.  

  6. wow thats a bit harsh! imagine how hard it is for him to come out and admit it let him down softly and be more sensitive and stop thinking all about yourself!  

  7. i say u keep his onlt if he is sweet to u and if u like him than keep him and he migth be a gud person to go shopin wit and i whould not dump him cause u whould not like it if he did that to u. besibes that is just the way he is u cant change that! wate ever u do keep in mind of his feelings

  8. Please...he can't just say he is straight now. All those dudes that h has been with, there is no coming back from something like that.

    They both are g*y, and you probably like woman who dress like men.

    This whole TRIANGLE is messed up.

  9. Just break up with him. Say that you're just not happy in your relationship right now and that you would like to end it. You don't have to be harsh and say that you hate him. He'll talk the hint. Then wait awhile before you ask his ex out.

  10. Ex boyfriend now straight....once g*y always g*y....

  11. in my opinion hes g*y lol

  12. yeah, please dont ask me why a boy had to answer this, bad just tell him its over, because he can only be g*y or strait, for boys. and his bf is still ga y, i cant change my way of being g*y instead of strait,  

  13. break up with him like you would break up with him if he was straight..

  14. Tell him either

    "It's time to move on and date other people or;;"

    sayy "I'm a L*****n."

  15. do you hate him because he is bisexual?? if so i suggest you remember that this is not his fault. Just tell him that it's not gonna work out and that your sorry but it has to end. About his ex, tell him how you feel truthfully, hopefully he'll want whats best for you, don't go behind his back though, that never works out very well.

  16. Hook up with his ex boyfriend.. He'll get the hint..

  17. His ex is not straight!  Let me repeat that, HIS EX IS NOT STRAIGHT!  He, and your bf and any other bisexual person, will always have g*y tendencies, no matter who they date, how straight they seem or what they say.  Secondly, you hate your bf because he's bi?  That's harsh, straight up.  If you hate him because of some other reason, ok, he's probably been an *** hole some where along the way.  If your dumping him due to him being bi, tell him your not comfortable with it and you don't want to be in a relationship like that.  Don't get all angry or disgusted.  Try to be gentile and sincere.  

  18. thats messd up just cuz he is bi u no what dump him and let him find some1 else who can treat him better no matter if hes bi or str8 i h8 errigant ppl lyk that.... n u no what once ur bi u dnt go bak

  19. yea you don't just be bi sexual or g*y and wake up the next day and say oh well now i wanna be straight your going backwards all you got to do i keep moving forward

  20. lmao, what a tangled web we weave.

    so dude who used to date another guy suddenly became straight? yah... right. either he was never bi or he's hiding his true attractions.

  21. Just tell him that it's over!

    If you can tell us;

    you can tell him!

  22. Be honest and straight forward with him about it, Otherwise its just going to build up and fester more till you actually do it, but by then it will be too late cause it might turn violent, Do the right thing though and tell him.


  24. its over when you end contact with him...And don't be so hard on the guy about lying to you ...maybe he wasn't capable of being honest to himself or you two years ago.

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