
My boyfriend is cheating on me on-line. He won't admit it. How do I find all e-mail accounts on his computer?

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My boyfriend is cheating on me on-line. He won't admit it. How do I find all e-mail accounts on his computer?




  1. If he's cheating on you, then why are you with him? Dump him.  

  2. that's a total invasion of privacy.  if you know he is cheating just dump him

  3. Do you know for sure?  If you do then just be done with him.  Don't go to the trouble of doing all the snooping.

  4. yeah that'll really get him to want you back.

  5. OMG! I'm so sorry your boyfriend is cheating on you.

    Well, when you go on his computer, you might want to check the history. There should be a button somewhere on your internet browser that shows all the websites he has been to.  

  6. Why waste the time and go through all the trouble , why don't you just dump him and find someone you can trust , because without trust a relationship wont work anyway.

    Good Luck.

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