
My boyfriend is coming up on reenlisting with the air force, will he get new orders or pcs

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we will be getting married soon and I would like to go to another country and experience different cultures




  1. Maybe, It depends, It's a bit of give and take.

    The AF wants to retain him, so they will make certain concessions to an extent.

    Be comunicative with the re enlistment NCO/Officer.

    Let him know about the pending marriage.

    That's a good thing. It means stability.

    The military is very much about family.

    Good luck to you and my thanks to your fiance for serving and for you supporting his decision.

    US Army Vet

  2. If he reenlists, he can put in for orders overseas. Europe is best to see when enlisted. Most other places can be experienced from the US at a later time.

  3. Be careful what you ask for.....His dream sheet needs to be current.  Then depending on his AFSC he may/may not be selected depending on the needs of the Air Force.  I have fellow Airman that have served an entire career stateside because of their career and the way the chips fall.  I know others that can't see to stay in the US for more than 6 months before they are gone again.

    I say be careful becaue he might get a remote assignment overseas that would not allow you to go with him.  You, and him need to be very open and communicate well with the individual handling his reenlistment.  

    If he has questions/concerns about overseas PCS he can and should seek out his chain of command to get their advice and recommendations.  They have been thorough this a time or two and have experience to draw upon when talking with him.

    Good luck to the both of you!

  4. Depends on his MOS and how long he's been at his current station

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