
My boyfriend is depressed and it's making me depressed? we have a newborn daughter 2gether?

by Guest59228  |  earlier

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our baby girl was born just barely a month ago on July 11th. anyways these past couple of weeks he keeps saying ehs depressed and how he hates his job etc and wants 2 quit so badly. I tell him dont quit til you find another since we have a baby and Im not working yet and he knows but he keeps complaining about it and its making me feel depressed how can I deal with this on top of having a newborn?




  1. that's tough stress at his time in your life. Stick to your guns on the waiting til he finds another job. it is getting harder to find a job right now. Tell him to take a day off when he has a lead on another job and go put in applications then go back to work at his other job and wait for the phone to ring. At least he will have something to look forward to waiting for the other job while still making money at his old job. Or tell him to give you time to find a job or get back to work then he can start looking.

  2. just tell him keep his job for yalls little gurl dont he wants the best for her

    if he quit he's gonna regret it and life is going to be more harder and he's gone be more depressed so just pray and ask god to help him find a better job and 1 that he likes  

  3. Congratulations.

    What is he feeling down about? Let him read this message. You have enough to deal with. All your efforts need to go into baby and yourself. This is no time for a boyfriend to be depressed. He has a job to to do -  and thats to take care of as many things as possible - so you don' have to. He needs to be in top gear right now.

    So - here's what needs to happen. Boyfnd needs to go to Doctors and manage his own situation - because you and baby need him. He needs to tell Doc how he feels - what it feels like - what circumstances trigger it. And he needs to phone up and book the apptmnt tomorrow  - not Tuesday or Wednsday or next week  - tomorrow.

    He may hate his job  -  lots of people do - for years and years. He'll just have to keep hating it - whilst at the same time thinking of the future and looking for opportunities to improve his job satisfaction.

  4. I just went through the same thing with my husband.  It got so bad that it made him so sick.  He was having just about every sign of depression so he went to the doctor to seek help.  And he's on some meds. and things are getting better.  Hang in there and have him get to the doctor.

  5. I think the responsibility of being a father just downed on him, and if he used to hate his job but could daydream about changing jobs, now he can't  because of the baby, and he feels an enormous weight on his shoulders. I don't know how I would've dealth with it, you can sit down and talk about change alternatives, and how to accomplish them. But as of right now, having to support a baby should be a great motivation for him. It works for me.

  6. tell him if he really feels like its effecting his daily life than definetly seek help but try to keep his job if at all possible b/c its your source of life for your baby and your family. good luck w/ everything!!!

  7. My baby is almost 2 months, my fiance and I went through something very similar. I think it adds a lot of pressure on a man when he is the only bread winner in the house, especially when they don't like their job. They feel like the world is on their shoulders. He might think you have it easy being at home with the baby all day, while he has to go to a job he hates and put up with people he don't like. But you need to let him know everyday you both have very important roles, and neither one of you could function without the other doing their part. He will be okay. Good luck and God bless!

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