
My boyfriend is going to Malia, Crete for a boys holiday next month (july). Is there a lot of booty there?

by  |  earlier

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Elaborating further, is there alot of women that would make him stray. Is it like Ibiza or Ayia Napa type of place?




  1. not exactly

  2. Topless beaches, nuff said.

    If he loves you he won't stray no matter what.

  3. Sorry to have to tell you this, but its the s*x capital of europe, back alley action every day! - yes it is like Ibiza - tell him you love him very much, and let him shag you when ever he likes, that way he'll stay with you for life - trust me im a bloke, rember the question in bad boys 2 - how to keep a guy for a life time? the answer isnt really a joke!

    Sorry to make that sound like you have to use your body, but if you can both learn to trust each other and be open deep down, you have have much better chance of him not needing to stray!

  4. A "boys" holiday? Without you, that is.  Dump him, any guy who would rather go on holiday with his mates rather than his girlfriend should be dumped immediately.

  5. Blah blah blah. Listen to me:  If a man loves you he will not stray!!  F*ck all those lame excuses guys give when they cheat because they were "influenced". Give me a f*cking break, if you love your girl you will not cheat on her, whether you go to Hawaii or Alaska. End of story.

  6. What goes on tour, stays on tour.

    He might well have a tamper. Blokes are like that. Doesn't mean he doesn't love you.

    EDIT for Serendipity: that sort of hooting 'you go, girlfriend!' nonsense has no place outside an episode of Ricky Lake. Of course blokes will like to have some time with their mates - it's a male bonding thing. Even the ones that *don't* stray will appreicate a boys' night out.

  7. Yes there is, my ex went there and i believe he f***** around cos all his friends did.....if he loves you he will behave but if he's an ******** like my ex he will get up to no good,  but like someone else said if he's going to stray he will do it anywhere whether it be Malia or on your doorstep.

  8. Well i'm going there too :D

    I think there will be alot of people 'putting out' but if he's a decent guy he wont stray.

    I'm not that type of person and i don't have a boyfriend to be comminted to but i still wont be looking for 2 weeks of one nights stands cause that's not me.

    So basically even though there will be many opportunities for him(or anyone) there, does not mean he will follow it through.

    It's a matter of trust on your behalf.

  9. Sorry to burst your bubble hun, doesnt matter where it is, if he is gonna park his bike somewhere else then he will.

  10. ya lot botty better than yours

  11. ok you guys are all stupid. a athenian cabby told me greek women are not beautiful, but are good in bed. american men have to think your hot b4 they get u in bed. vain, but true. your fine. he wont stray.

  12. If he wanna stray you he can make It in everywhere he dosen't need to go to Greece...

    But becarfull If  he see my greek girlfriend Tzoulia Alexandratou.... pw pw!!!!

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