
My boyfriend is in a prison farm. When he gets out can he travel to Bali with a criminal record?

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My boyfriend has been sentenced to 7 months at a prison farm. He wills erve 3.5 and the other half will be on parole. He will finish parole halfway through October. Im planning a trip to Bali in Early November and i was wondering if he can travel to Bali from Aust if he has a criminal record and having just finshed parole 3 weeks earlier? Thankyou.




  1. No I don't think so but I would be checking it out first. ring the Legal Advice Line on 1800 731 073 and explain your situation.

  2. If he has a passport and no visa is required for Bali, then there is no issue.

    P.S. A prison is a prison, the only difference is the regime of the prison.

  3. Best thing is to find the Indonesian Consulate in the Perth phone book, ring them and ask.  Don't mention any names, but tell them the exact facts, that he will be out of parole in October and you will be going in November.  Also say exactly what the offence was, driving without a licence.  

    They may not worry about that, but they will want to know that he has a job in Australia and has enough money to get back to Australia or a return ticket.  They do not want foreigners who are unemployed and broke in their country.  

    Don't try to hide anything because if things go wrong you can be in deep do-do.

  4. If he is still on parole or community supervision he will definitely NOT be allowed to leave the U.S. He will have to get a pass just to cross a state line. Sorry

  5. Most countries wont allow people with a recent criminal record into their country. Having just finished his time I say its near impossible.

    Depending on the crime will depend on how long before he can travel.

    What may I ask is a prison farm and where is it located, never heard of it before?

    I suggest you contact the Indonesian embassy.

  6. i am form W.A, hmm intrieging, umm you may have to wait abit, but driving with  out a licence doesn't seem so bad!

  7. I assume that you are American.  Canadians can visit Indonesia for up to thirty days without a visa, and I would imagine that the rule is the same for Americans as for us.

    In other words, if your boyfriend already has a passport you shouldn't have a problem.  

    I don't know the US rule about issuing passports to citizens with criminal convictions.

  8. It depends on what he went away for and whether Bali will accept it and if it's drug related you have no chance.

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