
My boyfriend is in a wedding?

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My boyfriend is a groomsman in his friends wedding . My boyfriend is from a different city than I and he nows lives with me. I have met his friend and new bride to be twice. I will not know anyone but the bride and groom at the wedding. My question is this. Who do I sit with if my boyfriend will be at the wedding party table? What if he goes in the limo with the wedding party after the ceremony? What do I do? I am nervous about being left alone in a crowd of people I dont know at all!




  1. Talk to him and have a plan.

  2. Talk to your boyfriend beforehand to make arrangements and think through the plan.

  3. Speak to your boyfriend about your concerns. Since he is friends with the groom he may know other people who will be at the wedding. Perhaps he can arrange for you to sit next to someone he knows you'll have traits in common with. Another option is to ask if you can bring another guest. This way you can invite one of your own friends to go with you and keep you company.

  4. Your friend should inform his groom-friend that you are coming and do not know anyone.  The wedding couple will either make seating arrangements for you to sit with another single woman or another couple during the reception dinner.  

    You will sit at the church alone.  If he goes in the limo to the reception, you will find your own transportation.  If you don't drive, find someone else who is going to the wedding who can fit one more person in their vehicle.

    Your friend will have specific required duties at the wedding and these duties do not include you.  This is a great opportunity for you to expand your social skills and learn how to talk to just about anyone about anything.  Actually, the topic of conversation will be quite easy:  the wedding, how beautiful the ceremony was etc.  If, however, you feel that you can not be alone, you are not required to attend the wedding or the reception.

  5. I'd imagine that at least one of the other groomsmen would have a girlfriend or wife who's not part of the wedding party.

    In my mind, the easiest solution would be to pair up with her while your respective boyfriends are attending to their wedding duties. (If she's local, she'll undoubtedly have other friends there as well for you to socialize with.)

    I'd suggest inquiring if this is the case and making the arrangements for an introduction.

  6. well have your boyfriend talk to his friend.  Can you be seated with him so you wont be alone?

    For the limo you would probably have to follow alone iny our car if he cant ride with you.

    But after all his obligations you will be free to dance with him for the rest of the night!

  7. I'm pretty sure that he should be able to have you sit with him, as you will be his date.

    If he is in the ceremony you might have to sit alone, if he is participating, but afterwards you should be able to go whereever you want with him.

  8. You can either play it cool and make friends whilst there, be social, you will need to for same events in the future or if you're that shy you can explain what you feel to your partner and ask him to include you wherever he's going or ask him to introduce you to a few ppl that you can mingle with during the night.

  9. He should make arrangements to get you to the church and recepition through people he knows that are going to or are in the wedding.

    As for sitting with you at the wedding, once the dinner is over he can leave the bride and grooms table and sit with you.  

    So wherever they sit you at the reception they should leave an empty seat for him.

  10. Talk to him about your concerns. If he cannot be with you, then can you choose not to go?

  11. Talk to him about your concerns. You might have to sit alone during dinner or whatever if they don't have a couples table. Be prepared for that. But be sure your b/f knows that you don't know anyone, so he can hang out with you after dinner and his duties as a groomsman are finished.

    Or you could always have him ask the groom if other groomsmen have girlfriends or spouses that will be single as well.

    If they are having a seating chart, I'm sure they sat you with people you could easily get to know and find something in common with.

    Good luck!

  12. i have been in this situation before too. the only plus side for me was he was in his brothers wedding. so i used that oportunity to get to know his family. i would say do your best to mingle. ask if there is anyway you can get together with more friends that will attend. i assume he will be going to the rehersal dinner as well? i would ask him to see if you could go to the rehersal dinner. it will give you a chance to make conversation with people who will be at the wedding the night before. even if its the brides aunt sue. she might just make it a little less awkward. he should take you in the limo as well. a wedding date goes where you go. ya know? good luck!

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