
My boyfriend is in the air force and we are planning to get married before he leaves to England...

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We are going to get married before he leaves to England and I was wondering when I would be able to go live with him? How long does it take for all the paperwork to get processed? Will I have to pay for my own airfare? What do i need to do?

thanks :)




  1. Your best bet is to get married and get the paperwork done before he even gets his orders.  If you wait until after it could take a while to get permission to move you to England and you may end up paying out of pocket for your move.  If you're on his orders then your authorized to have the military pay for your move.

  2. If you get married prior to him leaving it will make things a lot easier. Once you get married you will need to take your marriage license and birth certificate, social security card or notarized true copies to get you registered onto DEERs, you will need to print out and complete DD form 1172. You can get the form from the base you go to, to get your paperwork squared away OR you can download it and print it off the net. Once you are on DEERs you are automatically registered on tricare but you will then need to go get your military ID. You will need to take your birth cert etc with you however you cant get your ID until you go get registered onto DEERs so make that your first stop.

    A power of attorney (POA) is also a good idea. You will need one if he ever deploys or you will have all kinds of problems taking care of bills etc.

    Since you are going to be moving to an overseas post you will have to get command sponsorship to have all the benefits of an accompanied tour and that in itself brings a whole raft of issues. For you to get paid travel you will need to be on his orders and to be on his orders you will need to be married. I also just found out that to get tricare dental overseas you need command sponsorship.

    Don't let the amount of paperwork be daunting there is an end to it!

    Good Luck!

  3. If you get married before you wont have to pay for it. Also he just hast to go fill out some paper work (deers) and get u a ID less than a day of running around he should know all that. You cant do anything even once your married.. only a spouse.

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