
My boyfriend is leaving the country and wants me to go...what now?

by Guest55695  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is in the military and is leaving in a little less than a year to another country. He's asked me to go with him. Here's the thing. It's another country and I believe you can only stay in another country for 6 months on a visa unless you are going to school or are married. He's going to be over there for 3 years though. So if I go I will have to stay in school in a foreign country living off base by myself flying back and forth every 6 months. If I don't go I could be losing someone I really care about, because we all know a lot changes in 3 years. What is your opinion on this?




  1. DO NOT

    do it.

    just trust me and dont do it please  

  2. if you two really love each other and are meant to be together forever,then it doesnt matter if you go or not nothings going to come between you two .but if you stay here and he finds someone else then you have save yourselve alot of heartach and you are here with family and friends to help you though it ..honey no one can tell you what to do you have to do what your heart says to do and pray for the best.hope you luck in whatever you decide...judy

  3. You can live on base with him, he would just have to claim you as his dependent.  If you are in a serious relationship, I would go. Traveling to a different country is AMAZING.

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