
My boyfriend is like depressed, and hates his life right now from this medication he took, nothing i do helps?

by  |  earlier

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He took this medicine for allergies, and for some reason its causing him to be depressed. He stopped taking the medicine, went to the doctors and all the doctor told him was to stay off the medicine so he went to a physcologist and put him on medicine thats not helping him. Everytime i see him he cries to me about how much he hates his life. I went to his parents but they dont know what to say either. And plus his parents dont see it because he acts fine around everyone else but me. And i am getting really scared for him. Please help! How do i help him???




  1. You need to get him help now!!!!!!! My husband has been very depressed for a long time. I talked with him with his dad their and we thought everything was better than yesterday he came home and tried to commit suicide. So don't think things will just get better he's crying out to you. So help him. My husband still may pass away and he has two kids! Please get your boyfriend help before it's too late!!!!!

  2. He needs to speak with a psychiatrist.  Depression issues caught early can be short-lived.  Of course it is always a good idea to see a psychologist they do not go to medical school.  While they are well versed on spotting mental illnesses they do not have the extensive training.

  3. he needs to go see a doctor  asap

  4. OTC medications can have adverse reactions.  It was good for him seek professional help.  It seems, though, that this help didn't do all that could be done.  If a PSYCHOLOGIST prescribed a medication, this is just bad medicine.  A psychologist cannot do this and may not know what medication will work best and not know what possible side effects that can occur.  A PSYCHIATRIST is the one who is trained and is knowledgeable about medications for mental health.

    If a doctor doesn't listen to you and tries to force his opinion on a person, seek a new doctor immediately.  

    When talking to any doctor, always keep lines of communication open.  Listen to what they have to say.  Ask them questions especially if you don't understand something.  Speak out if you feeling uneasy or have doubts about something.

    Encourage your boyfriend to keep it up when pursuing a solution to his problem.  Mental health issues can sometimes be hard to diagnose.  It can be hard to find the right combination of meds (if needed) and counseling.  In fact, if medication is taken and there was no counseling to compliment it, the medicine is only a band-aid for the problem.  Some doctors like to just throw medicine at the problem.  Mental disorders have a cognitive component to them.  Counseling is needed to undo any "wacky" thinking that can be contributing to the situation.

    I am bipolar.  For years I refuse to admit that there was a serious problem. Oh, I knew that something was wrong.  But I didn't know just how deep it was.  It almost became too late for me.

    I don't like seeing a young person suffer like I did and loose out on the happiness of lire.

    It did take a few years of trying different combinations of meds to balance my brain chemistry.  We finally have a good combination.  I also was in counseling all this time.  My counselor says since the first time I saw her that I have improved 400%.

    Be there for your boyfriend.  Be a good listener without being judgemental.  Expressing your love and concern for him will go a long ways.

    You say that he is okay around his parents and others.  He may feel more comfortable around you.  If you can find someone else that he can get to feel more comfortable around, this might help him to open up.  That person may be a third party from a community support agency, from a faith-base mental health program, or even a clergyman.  That last one may not appeal to you especially if you fell like you are not a religious person.  I have been blessed to  find pastors who have been good listeners  and have offered me comfort and support.  And they are available at no cost.

    My prayers are with you and your boyfriend

    God bless. Go with the grace of God.

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