
My boyfriend is looking at becoming a floor layer....??

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Does anyone know if this is a hard job to get into?

Is the money very good?

Any help would be great...




  1. if hes good with his hands and knows some math he should be fine.. i wouldnt say its hard but it depends on what experience he has.. and as pay goes it all depends on with whom he works with.. if he starts small and works his way up or what.. id say atleast 12 dollars an hour but thes the bare minimum in my opinion.. but good luck

  2. My father does floors it is never easy to tell what the pay is going to be like. It is hard on my dads back and knees. If i were him a wouldnt do it.  

  3. Have him contact local flooring businesses and ask whether they hire their own employees, or if they subcontract.  Subcontracting means the customer pays Flooring ABC for the job, and Flooring ABC pays you as a contractor for doing the work.  Most flooring companies sub out their work, but if they have their own installers, they may be willing to train.  If they subcontract, he could ask for a few names and call the subcontractors - they're often short a helper or two.

    The money in flooring is based on how quickly you can work, and still do job good enough to please the customer.  You're usually paid by square footage, not by the hour.  Also, if he's subcontracting his work, he will have to keep good records of his income for tax purposes.  Often taxes are not taken out of a sub pay.

  4. not really hard to get into, the pay is okay. its more of a yob than a job though. if you know what i mean

  5. This is hard work, not particularly skilled (no schooling required) but honorable work. It is not the sort of career that one gets wealthy from. You end up working for Home Depot and the like for the most part as a sub contractor. No benefits!

    If he likes to work with his hands, I'd encouragee him to try something more like framing carpentry. It pays better, requires some skills and has a better career potential. better still would be plumbing or electrical trades work, but this could take 2 years of schooling and anapprenticeshipp.


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