
My boyfriend is my sister's best friend's Cheating Ex!!?

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I just found out yesterday from My big sister M's best friend stephanie that she used to go out with him 3 years ago and that he ruined a yr of her life(senior year)

She said all this bad stuff that he supposedly did to her and how he cheated on her and stuff. But basically it was a lot of heresay.

He on the other hand denied ever cheating on her and said that he was with a girl like a month or 2 after they broke up. Also he said that he tried to end it but that she got super attached after lik ethe second date. and gave him a couple of gifts and wrote out a long card on the second date.

I kind of believe him more, not because he's my boyfriend, but because Stephanie is REALLY emotional and snaps at people one minute and wears her heart on her sleeve the next.

Who do you think is the more reliable source?

I've known The guy for 2 months, dated him for one week.

I've known Stephanie for probably 3 years, but I never really liekd her personality.




  1. Well i dont think you should dismiss what she says but i dont think you should doubt him just be careful and keep an eye on what he does and how her behaviour is

  2. And the magic 8 ball says - 'sources are biased'. I believe that he did  break this steph's heart.  And it was terrible bcoz she really must have liked him to give gifts on the second date. But just becoz things didnt work out with them doesnt mean they wont with you. Its the past. Enjoy the now. Dont be cautious. You wil never trust him if you are. You'l be paranoid instead. You dont have to take sides. Just say thats the past. I am in the now. And the now feels good. So im gona keep him

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