
My boyfriend is obsessed with becoming a pro boxer therefore does not want to have intercourse..what do i do ?

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My boyfriend is obsessed with becoming a pro boxer therefore does not want to have intercourse..what do i do ?




  1. Watch some p**n...

  2. You do what every woman does... Cheat on him!

       Ahh seriously though... there are only a handful of reasons a guy turns down s*x with a woman  

    1: he lacks a libido (workaholic types)

    2: he is g*y.  

    3: he is tired of f'ing you (most common reason when combined with reason 4)  

    4: he is f'ing someone else  

    Those are the only reasons I can think of ATM and your guy might fall into one or more of these categories.

    Whatever the reason, he isn't going to change, so find a new guy that enjoys s*x.  His reasons for turning you down has nothing to do with boxing (I'd almost guarantee it)

  3. what would that have anything to do with it?

  4. break up with him, unless you tell him that boxers does not make that much money!

  5. The whole thing is an old, ignorant wives tail. Abstaining from s*x has nothing to do with strength or energy levels. Just show him the articles below.

  6. let me hit it for him

  7. Sounds like BS to me. There is no medical basis for that myth, and you or he are getting it wrong anyway.

    The original tradition was no s*x night before fights only.

    This was put out by coaches so the fighter would not stay up all night at their Gf's place or go out partying.

    the s*x claim was just the best way to scare the fighter. 'No s*x' means he goes home to bed at 9.00pm , does not get drunk chasing women, or stay up all night with his GF, so he turns up fresh for fight day.

  8. just be patient with him. But you have to pay attention to the patterns. If he keeps using boxing as an excuse, then there's definitely something wrong with him not wanting to do it with you. Boxing is a small reason to avoid intercourse. He should be obsessed with you rather than boxing. You know? Leave me a message if you need help further.

  9. s*x makes your testostorome levels in your body drop thats why guys who dont get any are always angry and stuff i think he should cool out on the s*x a week or two before the fight or maybe just the day of boxing is important but a guy still has to satisfy his woman

  10. so he prob jus dont like u fix ur hair and dress s**y cuz im pretty sure after im done hit the bag ima be hittin your bag

  11. tell him you want to get donkey punched

  12. so not true.. my friend has s*x with his gf like an hour before the game and he still is able to work properly.... just a myth... find someone else because "p***s is being offered to women everyday since you started looking good." -chris rock

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