
My boyfriend is short, fit, and white. I'm tall, thick, and black.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I'm 5'11 and my boyfriend is 5'8

My issue is not that he's white. My issue is that he's shorter than me by a lot. And it' not like I'm tall and thin; I'm tall and thick so my legs are bigger than his.

What can/should I do?




  1. What about without heels?  And who cares what people think.

  2. If your that worried about something like that then tell him to wear heels.

  3. There isn't a thing that you can do.  Enjoy who you are and be proud, obviously he does?.

  4. You two remind me of my boyfriend and I except the opposite lol

    Me: 4'10, 130 pounds, hourqlass fiqure, tan skin

    My boyfriend: 5'11, 289 pounds, fat, pale skin

    I joke with my boyfriend that him and I are a walking circus show lol. People always stare at us because we look so different and also, a lot of guys are jealous. Guys have actually said to him when we were together, "How did you get such a pretty girl?"

    But if you and your boyfriend's height difference is a problem, all you can really do is wear flat shoes when your together. There's not much you can do. Just accept the height difference and ignore people who stare for whatever reason...they aren't worth your time.

    P.S I love your hair color....I'm dying my hair red on saturday or sunday. =]

  5. Don't worry about what other people think. Let them stare, if you love him just go on with your life.Look at some of the movie star's that are taller than their men.

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