
My boyfriend is soo confusing. Can Anyone Help??

by  |  earlier

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Ok. My boyfriend and I have been together for awhile, and we haven't talked because he went on vacation, but one day I randomly left him a comment on myspace that we both knew was a joke. Well a few days later this girl starts Iming me, leaving me comments, and messaging me. So I finally answered her. She told me her best friend was also dating my boyfriend!! So the next few days have been really bad. So I went to my boyfriends best friend, and he said that there is another girl that hes dating and was supposed to break up with, but didn't have time because he went on a surprise vacation. So now I have to wait another week til I know the truth. But all I know is he breaking up with her in a week, and hes head over heels for me. What should I do??




  1. If he was head over heals, there would not be another girl!  

  2. Sweetheart if I were you, I would just drop his @ss like a rock because its clearly obvious that he is "Two-Timing" you

  3. well i would still date him because like u said hes head over heels fir you probably is dumping her because he really likes  you more than the other girl and i no guys can be very confusing  

  4. Don't even waste your time with this guy.  This guy thinks he's so valuable that you have to wait for him to break up with another girl? A girl he was cheating on you with?  You need to show some backbone and just tell him he's not worth your time and trouble. Guys like that feed of girls who are weak, show him your strong and just walk away.  

  5. Save yourself need to wait you know what needs to be done...or is your ego bruised?  

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