
My boyfriend is waiting for me and im waiting for him,can anyone help?

by  |  earlier

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I left my boyfriend of 5 years, after an argument that keeps happening, i talk to him everyday and we want to move back in together and get married at some point, hes waiting for me to say i will move in with him and marry him, im waiting for him to move out on his own, and for the house that he owns with his past wife to be sold, its on the market, am i wrong should i just go???




  1. There still living in the house how sure are you that it is even on the market.

  2. you two need to get up off your stupid azz pride and do whatever it is that's going to make you happy.  although, if neither one of you can be mature enough to say what's on your mind, i hardly think it'd be a good idea to rid yourselves of your individuality so quickly.

  3. Ask yourself NOT do I love him but AM I in love with him? Did you live with him in the house he and his ex shared? Is that why you broke up cause you don't want to live where his ex did?Make sure it is on the market. Is there a for sale sign out? You can always check on line. Can he move in with you until he sells it so you can be together? If not then if it is on the market I would move back till it is sold, talk to him tell him to maybe go down a little on the price so he can sell it faster so you guy can move on to a new place.

    There is a good book on Amazon "Are you the one for me " by Barbara DeAngelis they have it for a buck .  

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